Rubrail damage CD25

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John Laton

Rubrail damage CD25

Post by John Laton »

While at mooring this past Sunday ( just too gusty for me to be out ) it seems a much more adventurous soul had an altercation with my rubrail splintering about 8" near the bow. I checked the posts and found Mystic Marine in Norwood could make up a section. I'm assuming that I would need a section from the scarf joint to the bow. Would anyone know if there are any shops in CT area? Since someone else will be paying, I would love to find a place that would do the fabrication and installation. Any and all comments would be much appreciated.

On a side note - if Capt Carr is reading.. Call me, Your lines been busy for 2 days!

Thanks All

Capt JT
s/v Happy Daze CD25
New Haven, CT
Chris Scheck

Re: Rubrail damage CD25

Post by Chris Scheck »

John -
sorry to hear about Happy Daze. Some jerk hit Ragtime a couple years ago and broke our rubrail too. Like I don't have enough kamikazee attacks parking my car in New York City.
I know it's out of the way, but I know a couple of terrific woodworkers up in Newport.

Ragtime CD33 #117
Newport RI
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