Slip Availability in Maine

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Scott MacCready

Slip Availability in Maine

Post by Scott MacCready »

Lisa and I Work as traveling nurses which affords us the oportunity to move as often as every three months to experience different areas of the country. It's a lifestyle we both love especially due to the flexibility of our contracts. We can essentially live anywhere we want for as short a period or as long a period as suits us. We usually stay for 3 months in any given area though since purchasing our CD25 this year have opted to stay here in coastal N.C. since November. It's a fantastic place for sailing but we're getting the bug to move on. Lisa is from Maine and we're thinking of heading that way in August. What I'd like to know is will I have trouble finding a slip in that area that late in the season. We're thinking of somewhere between Bath and Bar Harbor. Also, what should I expect to pay in that area of the country? Thanks,

Scott MacCready
CD25 #635
New Bern, NC (for now)
Dean Abramson

Re: Slip Availability in Maine

Post by Dean Abramson »


I would guess that you could find a slip, but it might be tough. And that is really only a guess, because I really only know about my own marina, in Yarmouth (near Portland). There is one guy at my marina who always pulls his boat (about a 28' sailboat) out halfway through the season, so then that slip is available. That is Yankee Marina, phone: (207) 846-4326. For my 25D, I pay $1600 for the season. I know that you talked of being further up the coast, but Casco Bay is pretty darn nice, and two easy days' sailing to/from Penobscot Bay. My wife is a visiting nurse too. Give us a holler, email-wise, if you have any more questions. My guess is that prices up the coast would be comparable. A mooring would be easier to find, maybe. Oh, now that I think about it, there is a marina in Boothbay Harbor which I have been to as a transient a few times, and there seems to be lots of extra space there (Signal Point Marina 207-633-4455); it might be pricier than mine. You might want to get hold of the excellent Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast, which lists every single possibility, and it is just fun to read. I'm blanking out on the author's name, but when I find it, I'll send it to you. Good Luck!

Scott MacCready wrote: Lisa and I Work as traveling nurses which affords us the oportunity to move as often as every three months to experience different areas of the country. It's a lifestyle we both love especially due to the flexibility of our contracts. We can essentially live anywhere we want for as short a period or as long a period as suits us. We usually stay for 3 months in any given area though since purchasing our CD25 this year have opted to stay here in coastal N.C. since November. It's a fantastic place for sailing but we're getting the bug to move on. Lisa is from Maine and we're thinking of heading that way in August. What I'd like to know is will I have trouble finding a slip in that area that late in the season. We're thinking of somewhere between Bath and Bar Harbor. Also, what should I expect to pay in that area of the country? Thanks,

Scott MacCready
CD25 #635
New Bern, NC (for now)
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