Head Sink Drain

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Tom Keevil

Head Sink Drain

Post by Tom Keevil »

My head sink drains into the bilge, and this is a disgusting place for toothpaste etc. to end up. I'm thinking of cutting the 3/4" intake hose to the head and installing a 3-way valve (a Y-valve with the stop removed) and connect the sink drain to the valve. This would allow three scenarios: 1)the sink could drain out through the head intake through-hull; 2)the head could be flushed with the sink closed off so no air would be sucked in; 3) fresh water could be poured into the sink and pumped into the head to avoid the dead creature smell we sometimes get. Has anyone done this, or see any potential problems? For example, is a 3/4" drain line too small? Will I have to give my guests an IQ test before letting them use the head?

Tom Keevil
CD 33 Rover
Charleston, Oregon

Leo MacDonald CD33

Do Not Cross Connect

Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Hi Tom,

I would not make any cross connect between a system that could have water ingested in a human and a sanitary system!!

Recommend either put a sink drain seacock/thru-hull in at next haul-out or drain the head sink to the shower drain sump. 'Evening Light' ( 1981 CD33) has the shower drains, the head sink and the ice box drain all going to a mini sump (under the cabin sole below the table) with it's own dedicated float switch and electric pump.

What model year is 'Rover'? I would have thought this original equipment?????

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
'Evening Light' CD33 #38
Homeport; Groton, CT

Randy Bates

Re: Do Not Cross Connect

Post by Randy Bates »

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Hi Tom,

I would not make any cross connect between a system that could have water ingested in a human and a sanitary system!!

Recommend either put a sink drain seacock/thru-hull in at next haul-out or drain the head sink to the shower drain sump. 'Evening Light' ( 1981 CD33) has the shower drains, the head sink and the ice box drain all going to a mini sump (under the cabin sole below the table) with it's own dedicated float switch and electric pump.

What model year is 'Rover'? I would have thought this original equipment?????

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
'Evening Light' CD33 #38
Homeport; Groton, CT
Let it drain to the bilge and every so often add a small amount of bleach thru the line to kill any bacteria.

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