Fuel line & Transm probs on CD28, pls help.

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Warner Dick

Fuel line & Transm probs on CD28, pls help.

Post by Warner Dick »

Hi all,

Just bought a 1979 CD28 with orig Volvo MD6A and have exp the following problems. 1/ Im getting air in the fuel line whenever the boat pounds for any time, eg over a few big wakes or in a bad chop. 15-25 min later she revvs, then quits. I bleed the lines/cranking the starter and everthing is fine for hours in flat water. Anyone ever seen this, any hints where to look first for the air leak?

Also, last time I was out I was getting bad scraping noises from the transmission, once in gear, also hard to get it in gear. After some manuvering around the slips, it now seems ok, but I dont want to have it crop up agian. This is not much to go on I know, I havent really sused it out, haven't even found the transm fluid dipstick yet!! but any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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