MORNING LIGHT will be splashing next week. The small yard is very, very busy so I need to have my act together regarding mast, rigging and other do-dads on the mast. Any delays that I can anticipate? I have furling gear, vhf antenna, radar, wind vane. Should I lubricate the turnbuckles? I've talked with the yard and they would not be too specific since they have not seen her yet. I really do not want to cause them, and other owners, any delays. So, if anyone can give me some experiential advice, I'd appreciate it. I will be relying on the yard to tension the shrouds until I can fiddle with them. Thanks, Bill.
Rigger's Delight! CD28
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Rigger's Delight! CD28
Bill,Bill wrote: MORNING LIGHT will be splashing next week. The small yard is very, very busy so I need to have my act together regarding mast, rigging and other do-dads on the mast. Any delays that I can anticipate? I have furling gear, vhf antenna, radar, wind vane. Should I lubricate the turnbuckles? I've talked with the yard and they would not be too specific since they have not seen her yet. I really do not want to cause them, and other owners, any delays. So, if anyone can give me some experiential advice, I'd appreciate it. I will be relying on the yard to tension the shrouds until I can fiddle with them. Thanks, Bill.
The best thing I can suggest is to personally "be there" when they step the mast. Not to get in their hair, but to point out anything that's unique about your boat that the riggers look puzzled about. That will save them alot of time and prevent mistakes that would otherwise have to be redone. Just tell them that right from the getgo. Also make sure you have everything there that they need so they don't have to go up in a bosun's chair later because you forgot to bring the Windex mast head fly with you. Have the screws and shackles they'll need for all connections. Not much else you can do ahead of time until they actually start doing the work.
Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
Re: Rigger's Delight! CD28
Dear Bill,Bill wrote: MORNING LIGHT will be splashing next week. The small yard is very, very busy so I need to have my act together regarding mast, rigging and other do-dads on the mast. Any delays that I can anticipate? I have furling gear, vhf antenna, radar, wind vane. Should I lubricate the turnbuckles? I've talked with the yard and they would not be too specific since they have not seen her yet. I really do not want to cause them, and other owners, any delays. So, if anyone can give me some experiential advice, I'd appreciate it. I will be relying on the yard to tension the shrouds until I can fiddle with them. Thanks, Bill.
You should definately lubricate your turnbuckles and any other parts that you can think of that move or turn. Each year I sell several turnbuckles to skippers that did not lubricate theirs and then bend or break them when they went to adjust their rig. Also you should have extral clevis pins and cotter pins on hand.
Before they step your mast, while everything is still horizontal, lay out all your stays and halyards in the correct position and then tie them to the mast. This makes carrying the mast easier. Just before they pick the mast up with the crane you can cut the upper ties. After the mast is in place cut the lower ties and everything should fall into place.
Roger W.
Bristol Bronze