
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Post by tom »

how do you clean the bronze port holes?
i just purchased a cd30 and would like to brighten the bronze on it.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Ya doesent.......! ! !

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Tom,

Ya doesn't need ta do it, and it won't last an'way! Wha? Ya don't want it to look like shes ever been anywhere? ? ? The green is a natural result of the weathering of bronze. Yes, ya can clean it off, if ya are really set to do it, try "On & Off", but have a hose handy and wash it off right away. Rest assured though, the green WILL return in two weeks...FWIW..........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
Nautical Traditions Officer
Neil Gordon

Re: bronzecleaning

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>how do you clean the bronze port holes?<<

You mean you have crud covering the beautiful green patina?

Bronze is supposed to age and it does it well. Your time is better spent sailing.

Regards, Neil
CD28 #167
Bill Michne

Re: bronzecleaning

Post by Bill Michne »

tom wrote: how do you clean the bronze port holes?
i just purchased a cd30 and would like to brighten the bronze on it.
I knew a guy up in Naragansett Bay who decided he would clean 'em up. It became a full time job, and it cleaned him out. The last I knew he and the bronze were both turning green. Until someone figures out how to keep the bronze color, go sailing. It's more fun, especially on a CD...

SV Mintaka CD 40 #007
Bristol Bronze

Re: bronzecleaning

Post by Bristol Bronze »

tom wrote: how do you clean the bronze port holes?
i just purchased a cd30 and would like to brighten the bronze on it.
Dear Tom,

The green patina on your ports and the rest of your Bronze fittings is Cupric Oxide (Copper Oxide). It is a natural oxide that forms on any copper base metal. Its purpose is to protect the metal itself from corrosion by the elements. (Most other metals also form their own oxides - ferric oxide or rust on iron, aluminum oxide on aluminun and chromium oxide on stainless steel.) It is much better for the metal to just let the green oxide stay in place.

I am now working on a new high tech coating that can be applied to Bronze that will keep in a Bronze color and will last for life. Unfortunately I am still a few years away.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze
Ken Coit

Always Enjoy the Answers to That Question

Post by Ken Coit »


Thanks for asking as I always enjoy the answers the posters provide.

I have come to love green patina and hate shiny bronze. It gives you all that much more time to maintain the teak.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

tom wrote: how do you clean the bronze port holes?
i just purchased a cd30 and would like to brighten the bronze on it.
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