Despite the message posted in the yard office ("No Cash, No Splash") S/V Alphee made the transition from on the hard to in da water wednesday. We rigged her yesterday, and installed some frivolous accessories like radar, chartplotter, &c. &c. - and now much needed rain postponing rest of commissioning - BUT great summer to look ahead to! Sails, hardtack, pemmican, peanut butter &c.aboard during this next week. Naturally after sanding all exterior teak prior to applying sealer, the soaking rain is there to help out:)
End of week will be loading the new bow and stern chasers, brass 9 pounders straight from His Majesty's midlands naval gunnery foundry.
Chain shot and minie-balls should do it should any CDSOA event participants lag in an untoward fashion!
Y.A.F. (AKA Lemuel Snodgrass, Capt'n Emeritus, Stonington Chowder, Sailing and Anchor-dragging Society)
HM Auxiliary Sloop (pronouced "sleup" in Peter Sellars fashion) ALPHEE, 18, (CD27 #4, 1977) Picket Ship formerly of His Majesty's Royal Navy, now allied with the Continental Ruffians and fellow privateers!
Maintaining 24/7 guard duty over Latimer's Reef, Stonington b'waters, Watch Hill approaches, &c. (except when asleep or passed out from the wee grog.)
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: No longer on half-pay....
Esteemed Captain Feder, Y.A.F. (AKA Lemuel Snodgrass, Capt'n Emeritus, Stonington Chowder, Sailing and Anchor-dragging Society)
HM Auxiliary Sloop ALPHEE, 18, (CD27 #4, 1977) Picket Ship formerly of His Majesty's Royal Navy, now allied with the Continental Ruffians and fellow privateers of the New England Fleet!:
The Fleet is happy to hear that you have been reinstated to your fine vessel. There was some earlier doubt that this would happen, but we all look forward to meeting Alphee at sea this season next. This officer trusts that you have reviewed the schedule for the season events and will contribute to all of same. This weekend next, the sailing vessel Hanalei will be at sea in both Fisher's Island Sound and Long Island Sound conducting sail training for her crew with the new Mack shelf footed mains'l. Hanalei will be monitoring VHF 16, please hail her if you decide to put to sea. The Captain will be aboard in the forenoon watch on Thursday, but will not put to sea that day. Again, if you are close to Noank, please hail us and stop by at Noank Shipyard for a visit aboard, and a glass or two....I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
Nautical Traditions Officer
HM Auxiliary Sloop ALPHEE, 18, (CD27 #4, 1977) Picket Ship formerly of His Majesty's Royal Navy, now allied with the Continental Ruffians and fellow privateers of the New England Fleet!:
The Fleet is happy to hear that you have been reinstated to your fine vessel. There was some earlier doubt that this would happen, but we all look forward to meeting Alphee at sea this season next. This officer trusts that you have reviewed the schedule for the season events and will contribute to all of same. This weekend next, the sailing vessel Hanalei will be at sea in both Fisher's Island Sound and Long Island Sound conducting sail training for her crew with the new Mack shelf footed mains'l. Hanalei will be monitoring VHF 16, please hail her if you decide to put to sea. The Captain will be aboard in the forenoon watch on Thursday, but will not put to sea that day. Again, if you are close to Noank, please hail us and stop by at Noank Shipyard for a visit aboard, and a glass or two....I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
Nautical Traditions Officer