Prior to launching Lively Lady next week, I lunched in the cabin after waxing the hull. Looking up (why I have no idea), I noticed a thin lighty brown stain forward of the mast post and round wood block. It seems to run forward toward the bulkhead. The stain appears to be a water stain. I surmise it to be indicative of a leak at the base of the tabernacle. Any tricks to removing and recaulking the tabernacle? What caulking material or specific product is recommended? I'm a bit concerned about choosing the correct material knowing the weight of the mast will likely squeeeeeeeze the stuff out the sides unless of course I wait till the stuff cures.
Any recommendations greatly appreciated.
CPT. Jim Westpfahl
1985 CD25D- Lively Lady
Lindenhurst, LI, NY
Re-bedding Tabernacle on 25D
Moderator: Jim Walsh