Carolinas Fleet Spring Meeting -- May 11th

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Catherine Monaghan

Carolinas Fleet Spring Meeting -- May 11th

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

The Carolinas Fleet is planning their next meeting to be held on May 11, 2002 at 1800 in the meeting room at <a href="">The Boat House Yacht Pub</a>, Oriental Harbor, 514 S. Water Street, Oriental, NC (252-249-7261).

The purpose of the meeting is to elect a new Fleet Captain and Secretary. The new officers will be chosen from those not attending. (just kidding). We have volunteers for both the Fleet Captain and Secretary positions, so don't be afraid to come because you might get elected. But if you want to serve in one of those positions please volunteer.

The organization needs to get some new direction and make some plans for the coming season. There is already some talk of a cruise to the Chesapeake in the Fall. If you have some ideas for the Fleet, bring them with you.

The facility chosen serves dinner and has a bar. We will meet in the "<b>Meeting Room</b>" in the rear of the building. This is Oriental's newest watering hole (<b>the old "Trawl Door" building</b>). You may also get to see the plans for the new <a href="">120 slip marina</a> to be built on this site. (Fleet Captain Joe Valinoti will try and get the developer to give a short talk on those plans).

Don't forget that Oriental is easily reached by boat, with free dockage (limited) and harbor anchorage. Free launch service can be arranged.

For additional information, please contact:

Joe Valinoti
Fleet Captain -- CDSOA, Inc.
<a href=" Fleet"></a>

PS: Please continue to forward Joe any info on fellow Cape Dory owners in the area so he may put them in his database.
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