In the Chandlery section of the April 1, 2000 issue of Practical Sailor an inexpensive handrail masking tape concept is discussed. It looks too damn good and cheap not to give it a try (12 bases for $2.98). Needless to say, I wish to order the product to make the refinishing of my handrails (on the boat of course) a bit easier. They even give the web site for the product. I tried to go to the site, as published, and find no such site currently exists. Perhaps the company have moved to another site builder or changed names. It has been two years since publication, after all. Is that what I get for my procrastination?
So... has anyone out there seen such a product in a shop or on-line somewhere? Any experience with the product?
Still waiting for warmer sailing weather, I remain...
Jim Westpfahl
anxious skipper and slave to
Lively Lady
Handrail Masking Tape
Moderator: Jim Walsh