What is the size of the thru-hull and seacock for a Perkins 4-108? Next month I plan on replacing both on “Solitaire” (CD 36) and I can not tell what size is install now. This is a wonderful web site, and I have learned allot from reading the questions and the follow-ups. Thanks
CD 36 Thru-hull & Seacock
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD 36 Thru-hull & Seacock
The seawater pump intake on the 4-108 is 1 inch inside diameter, so the through hull and all other hose and pipe should be consistant. It's usually not good to share this intake with other uses. What type of new seacock are you using, I'm thinking about doing the same thing on CD36 #44.R.W. Baker wrote: What is the size of the thru-hull and seacock for a Perkins 4-108? Next month I plan on replacing both on “Solitaire” (CD 36) and I can not tell what size is install now. This is a wonderful web site, and I have learned allot from reading the questions and the follow-ups. Thanks