Newbie Question - Can I motor CD25 without experience?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Joe L.

Newbie Question - Can I motor CD25 without experience?

Post by Joe L. »

My CD-25 is going in next week. Since my mooring isn't ready yet, the marina is putting the boat into one of their slips and I'm supposed to move it to a town slip on the other side of Bristol Harbor (about 1/4 mile). I have never in my life handled a sailboat. I do have a lot of experience boating otherwise.

My question is, can a person who has never motored a sailboat, motor one from one slip to another safely?

If anyone lives in Bristol and would like a few rounds of Guiness at Judge Roy Beans, contact me if you'd like to help me motor my boat across the harbor.

Thanks for the advice,

Joe L.
bob CD25
Bristol, RI
Clay Stalker

Re: Newbie Question - Can I motor CD25 without experience?

Post by Clay Stalker »

Joe L. wrote: My CD-25 is going in next week. Since my mooring isn't ready yet, the marina is putting the boat into one of their slips and I'm supposed to move it to a town slip on the other side of Bristol Harbor (about 1/4 mile). I have never in my life handled a sailboat. I do have a lot of experience boating otherwise.

My question is, can a person who has never motored a sailboat, motor one from one slip to another safely?

If anyone lives in Bristol and would like a few rounds of Guiness at Judge Roy Beans, contact me if you'd like to help me motor my boat across the harbor.

Thanks for the advice,

Joe L.
bob CD25
Bristol, RI

You should be able to do this okay, but I would be glad to help you if I'm around. I have one of the CD27s in the yard at Bristol, but I live in New Hampshire. I plan to be down there this Saturday, and next Saturday and Sunday. Let me know if you would like a hand.

Clay Stalker

Re: Newbie Question - Can I motor CD25 without experience?

Post by Eric »

I think you should be fine. Just remember these things: sailboats, especially full-keel boats like the CD25, do not like to go backwards, stop suddenly or maneuver in tight places.

So keep it slow near your slip, be in neutral at a near stop when you are ready to pull into the slip, and don't be afraid to ask for help from people on shore.


Joe L. wrote: My CD-25 is going in next week. Since my mooring isn't ready yet, the marina is putting the boat into one of their slips and I'm supposed to move it to a town slip on the other side of Bristol Harbor (about 1/4 mile). I have never in my life handled a sailboat. I do have a lot of experience boating otherwise.

My question is, can a person who has never motored a sailboat, motor one from one slip to another safely?

If anyone lives in Bristol and would like a few rounds of Guiness at Judge Roy Beans, contact me if you'd like to help me motor my boat across the harbor.

Thanks for the advice,

Joe L.
bob CD25
Bristol, RI
tom babington

Re: Newbie Question - Can I motor CD25 without experience?

Post by tom babington »

Joe our CD-25 doesn't back-up worth a dam. I hope you don't have to back-up. Overwise its no problem.

Joe L. wrote: My CD-25 is going in next week. Since my mooring isn't ready yet, the marina is putting the boat into one of their slips and I'm supposed to move it to a town slip on the other side of Bristol Harbor (about 1/4 mile). I have never in my life handled a sailboat. I do have a lot of experience boating otherwise.

My question is, can a person who has never motored a sailboat, motor one from one slip to another safely?

If anyone lives in Bristol and would like a few rounds of Guiness at Judge Roy Beans, contact me if you'd like to help me motor my boat across the harbor.

Thanks for the advice,

Joe L.
bob CD25
Bristol, RI
Duncan Maio

Re: Newbie Question - Can I motor CD25 without experience?

Post by Duncan Maio »


The entry to the town docks shallows considerably on the north side as you approach the shore, so if the slip they are sending you to is close in, you want to go in near high tide (just to be safe).

We keep Remedy, our CD27, at Bristol Marine and I would be happy to help you if I am around, but I'm not sure about next weekend. I go down VERY early in the morning one or two days a week, so we could do a dawn move if you like.

Two suggestions:

1: The guy who actually launches the boats at Bristol is Pat. He drinks Molson Ice (last I checked), either bottles or cans. He knows where the town docks are.

2: I'm not going in for a couple of weeks, the way things look now (four rows back), but was scheduled for this week, so my mooring should be ready. If you are renting a mooring from Bristol, ask if they can put you on mine for a while (I think Clay did this last fall on the way out). My mooring may not be ready either, and they may be using it for other boats (they usually do), but it can't hurt to ask.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Joe L.

Thank you all for your advice!

Post by Joe L. »

Thank you all for all of your advice. I'll either get several people to go with me an keep me off the dock or I'll try the old Molson Ice bribe to the guy launching the boats.

Thanks for your very generous offer, Duncan, but I'm afraid to go on someone else's mooring - who knows when the harbor master will actually get in the water and get me my coordinates and depth so I can get my mooring ready. He's been saying tomorrow for three weeks now.

Joe L.
bob CD25
Bristol, RI
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