bottom painting typhoon

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Marian Feldman

bottom painting typhoon

Post by Marian Feldman »

Have a Typhoon and will be bottom painting for first time. How do you go about preparing the bottom and then what type of paint do you suggest? The bottom was completely repaired beginning of last season (stripped to the gel coat, primed and painted with a dissolving type of paint(self-ablating?) that is pretty much gone now. How much time does it usually take barring any problems?
Serge Zimberoff

Re: bottom painting typhoon

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

The masking of the bootstripe/waterline will take far longer than the painting. Use only the good blue 3M masking tape with paper extending above to stop splatters. You can use a roller and it will take just over a gallon to get two good coats on. Mix paint super well. All the good ingredients are at the bottom and want to stay there unless you convince them otherwise.
If you use a self-ablating paint again you have very little prep because you can paint over the old paint. Go over the old paint lightly with sandpaper evening out the rough edges and getting rid of any algae and critters that haven't come off with good washing. Then follow any additional instructions on the can.
I have been using Petit Aqua Clean waterbase. Certainly should go 2+ seasons. That formulation may not be available since they keep changing the rules. In any event use the best you can and it is a good idea to change colors from what was there before so you can see when the new is down to the old.
For the bootstripe I have been very happy with Rustoleum. 1/2 pint is plenty.
Good mask...goggles...etc for sanding. The ablatave really makes a powdery mess when sanded.

Re: bottom painting typhoon

Post by skipper »

I use ablative paint too. I have been wet sanding my boat's hull, using a 3M sanding sponge to get off the growth residue and to rough up the surface for a new coat. It works quite well and there are no clouds of toxic dust. However, I do recommend wearing gloves. A large bucket of water to wet sand works fine. After sanding, simply rinse off the hull with a hose. Allow the hull to dry and then start painting.

Re: bottom painting typhoon

Post by sloopjohnl »

use a mohair roller to roll on the paint and you should make two coats easily with one gallon and you will have a nice surface finish.
my ty is in freshwater and west marine's bottom shield has been good for me and at 39.00 a gallon . . . !

Marian Feldman wrote: Have a Typhoon and will be bottom painting for first time. How do you go about preparing the bottom and then what type of paint do you suggest? The bottom was completely repaired beginning of last season (stripped to the gel coat, primed and painted with a dissolving type of paint(self-ablating?) that is pretty much gone now. How much time does it usually take barring any problems?
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