Well...after 17 seasons using my 85 Yamaha 9.9 4 stroke...my wife says.....why don't you buy a new one????...heh, heh, heh...so I did...Never look too hard at an offer like that....i.e. a left over 2001 (same engine model as my old)....
They have basically kept the engine the same but have done some things I really appreciate....but it one of the only engine models (other than the 4HP) which is not offered with fresh water flush....well...I'm sorry...I just leave anything alone once I start thinking...in the past I took advantage of the lower skeg fresh water flush port in my CD26 engine well....but I came up with an idea (and engine locations) which I installed fresh water flushing without running the engine on this Yamaha 9.9 (T9.9EXHZ) ...and... also flushes the inner upper portion of the skeg for what I consider a "meaningful" (hopefully long term) fresh water flush beyond just most manufacturer's flush of the powerhead....anyway...I have documented it all and will add to my web page in the near future..
with pics, etc....After completing this...I have to say...I like it...time to see if it works...
Outboard Fresh Water Flush PartII
Moderator: Jim Walsh