I've been searching the net & thumbing through books trying to have this query addressed by enough people so as to derive some fairly reliable "truths" on the subject. As with all opinions, everybody has one but would like feedback from this board:
The concensous seems to be that sloops perform better to windward / point better, whereas, the cutter can be reefed and maintain better performance after having done so (especially in comparison to a sloop with a furled/reefed baggy head sail). Agree? Disagree? Caveat?
The other big question (and where opinions seem to vary widely), is which is easier to single hand or tack with. One person said he would never have a cutter on a smaller body of water because tacking was such a pain in the butt. Another said he preferred the cutter because it was less work when it came time to tack (see any conflict between those two opinions?)
Would appreciate hearing what you all have to say-
CD Ty "Swee' Pea"
Cutter rig vs. sloop- advantages/disadvantages
Moderator: Jim Walsh