Going to do some repair and bottom paint on From Now On and am wondering how many stands I need, do I need a "V" stand for the bow? Do I need just one extra stand for painting under the pads. Planning on lifting the boat off the trailer with two backhoe loaders, any thoughts on this? Also any better sources of stands than direct from Brownell? I can't find a source to rent them in the rocky mountians.
stands for CD25D
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: stands for CD25D
When I purchased my 25-D it came with a metal cradle that had four stands welded on, two on each side, and no 'v' stand at the bow. To paint under the stands I tied a line from the winch on the opposite side on which I was painting, and ran it to a secure point to help stabalize it, and screwed down each stand pad one at a time to paint under it. The problem I encountered was inability to paint under the keel where it rested on the cradle. Most of the weight rests on the keel, so mostly the stands balance the boat as weight is shifted around onboard, and as wind blows.Bruce Janssen wrote: Going to do some repair and bottom paint on From Now On and am wondering how many stands I need, do I need a "V" stand for the bow? Do I need just one extra stand for painting under the pads. Planning on lifting the boat off the trailer with two backhoe loaders, any thoughts on this? Also any better sources of stands than direct from Brownell? I can't find a source to rent them in the rocky mountians.
Not sure about lifting with back hoes for lifting, haven't tried that, but don't know why it wouldn't work if the lifting is coordinated and straps are spread apart adequately for balance.
Re: stands for CD25D
there were some boatstands for sale on the board not too long ago. four or five for 180.00 i think it was. scroll back two or three weeks and you might find them. in R.I. i believe they were.
Bruce Janssen wrote: Going to do some repair and bottom paint on From Now On and am wondering how many stands I need, do I need a "V" stand for the bow? Do I need just one extra stand for painting under the pads. Planning on lifting the boat off the trailer with two backhoe loaders, any thoughts on this? Also any better sources of stands than direct from Brownell? I can't find a source to rent them in the rocky mountians.
Re: stands for CD25D
If you use the v-stand you can paint easily under all the pads. Since the boat sits on the keel, it's really just balanced by the stands. If you're careful, you can use the forward v-stand and either the forward or stern stands alone. Don't go climbing around on the boat in this configuration! Once the paint dries under the rear pads, replace the stands, and move on to the forward stands.
Good Luck
Good Luck