CD 270

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Mike Grunerud

CD 270

Post by Mike Grunerud »

I have the opportunity to purchase a Cape Dory 270 from an aquaintance and would like some feedback from those who are familiar with this boat.
I have all the specs and photos but have yet to make the trip and personally look her over.
I like the design and although I've owned retractable keel boats in the past I've never had any experience with a keel/centerboard.
There is 6' that throughout the main cabin only?
The 13 hp diesel should be ok as I'll do my sailing on a large lake and don't have currents to contend with.
Any info from CD owners will certainly be appreciated.
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