New PFD Rule effective 0001 3/29/02
Moderator: Jim Walsh
New PFD Rule effective 0001 3/29/02
Effective Friday 3/29/02 the Coast Guard mandates that all persons younger than 13 years of age must wear an approved PFD while on board.
This may apply to some of us as parents or..grandparents.
i/v Lolita
Noank, Ct
This may apply to some of us as parents or..grandparents.
i/v Lolita
Noank, Ct
Re: While on BOARD, or while on DECK? N/M
Excuse me; All children under 13, on deck and while the boat is underway. Exemption, those who are down below in an enclosed cabin.
Re: Source??
Where did you see this? I can't find mention of it on Coast Guard sites, but some states have the requirement as well as the Corps of Engineers "on project waters."
Bruce Barber
25D Nancy Dawson
Shady Side, MD
Where did you see this? I can't find mention of it on Coast Guard sites, but some states have the requirement as well as the Corps of Engineers "on project waters."
Bruce Barber
25D Nancy Dawson
Shady Side, MD
Federal Requirements regarding PFDs
The Federal Requirements regarding PFDs, including for children, can be found at:
<a href=" ... PFD.asp</a>
Many states have there own laws regarding PFDs. Check you state's boating laws.
You'll also find the State PFD Requirements at the BoatU.S. Foundation's web site at:
<a href=" ... nts.htm</a>
Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
<a href=" ... PFD.asp</a>
Many states have there own laws regarding PFDs. Check you state's boating laws.
You'll also find the State PFD Requirements at the BoatU.S. Foundation's web site at:
<a href=" ... nts.htm</a>
Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Re: Federal Requirements regarding PFDs
Thanks for the links; I was searching everywhere to find some reference to this. The usual USCG links are out of date; I have found nothing on this at their web sites. Funding is really an issue when laws are implemented and not promulgated. The link below is for the Federal Register and it provides many details about the process and comments that were received.
I suppose that enforcement will be lax for this season, but experience tells us we should be putting PFDs on children anyway, for our own peace of mind.
Keep on sailing happily,
Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Thanks for the links; I was searching everywhere to find some reference to this. The usual USCG links are out of date; I have found nothing on this at their web sites. Funding is really an issue when laws are implemented and not promulgated. The link below is for the Federal Register and it provides many details about the process and comments that were received.
I suppose that enforcement will be lax for this season, but experience tells us we should be putting PFDs on children anyway, for our own peace of mind.
Keep on sailing happily,
Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Catherine Monaghan wrote: The Federal Requirements regarding PFDs, including for children, can be found at:
<a href=" ... PFD.asp</a>
Many states have there own laws regarding PFDs. Check you state's boating laws.
You'll also find the State PFD Requirements at the BoatU.S. Foundation's web site at:
<a href=" ... nts.htm</a>
Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Re: Federal Requirements regarding PFDs
Thanks. I don't think that it's on their (USCG) web site because it isn't a law yet. There page on the <a href=" ... p">Federal Requirements</a> regarding PFDs is current as of October 2001, so it's not terribly out of date.
I think the biggest problem for us is that the laws are different in each state. This can be confusing when you sail on waterways that have a border running down the middle of them, as we do. And this pertains to all boating laws not just those concerning PFDs.
For example, in NJ all children under the age of 12 have to be wearing a PFD at all times while onboard whether they're in the cockpit or down below and it doesn't matter if you're at the dock or underway. But if they're passengers on a big ferry or something, they don't have to wear them. If we sail over that imaginary line into NY waters, they can take them off if they go down below and they don't have to where them while dockside.
The Federal Requirements state that any vessel less than 39.4 feet/12 meters in length is required to make an efficient sound signal to signal intentions and to signal your position in periods of reduced visibility. NJ accepts this requirement as is, so in NJ all we need is a horn or whistle. We have a couple of those canned air horns on board. But in NY, a vessel greater than 26 feet in length is also required to have a bell. So that means we must have a bell too.
These are just a couple of examples, but you can see where boaters can get confused.
So, we have to make sure that our vessels meets CG requirements and the requirements of the different jurisdictions that we sail in.
Thank goodness for publications like Soundings and organizations like BoatU.S. that keep us informed, I think a lot better than our governments, regarding changes in the regulations, and to the people that use this board.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Thanks. I don't think that it's on their (USCG) web site because it isn't a law yet. There page on the <a href=" ... p">Federal Requirements</a> regarding PFDs is current as of October 2001, so it's not terribly out of date.
I think the biggest problem for us is that the laws are different in each state. This can be confusing when you sail on waterways that have a border running down the middle of them, as we do. And this pertains to all boating laws not just those concerning PFDs.
For example, in NJ all children under the age of 12 have to be wearing a PFD at all times while onboard whether they're in the cockpit or down below and it doesn't matter if you're at the dock or underway. But if they're passengers on a big ferry or something, they don't have to wear them. If we sail over that imaginary line into NY waters, they can take them off if they go down below and they don't have to where them while dockside.
The Federal Requirements state that any vessel less than 39.4 feet/12 meters in length is required to make an efficient sound signal to signal intentions and to signal your position in periods of reduced visibility. NJ accepts this requirement as is, so in NJ all we need is a horn or whistle. We have a couple of those canned air horns on board. But in NY, a vessel greater than 26 feet in length is also required to have a bell. So that means we must have a bell too.
These are just a couple of examples, but you can see where boaters can get confused.
So, we have to make sure that our vessels meets CG requirements and the requirements of the different jurisdictions that we sail in.
Thank goodness for publications like Soundings and organizations like BoatU.S. that keep us informed, I think a lot better than our governments, regarding changes in the regulations, and to the people that use this board.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Ken Coit wrote: Cathy,
Thanks for the links; I was searching everywhere to find some reference to this. The usual USCG links are out of date; I have found nothing on this at their web sites. Funding is really an issue when laws are implemented and not promulgated. The link below is for the Federal Register and it provides many details about the process and comments that were received.
I suppose that enforcement will be lax for this season, but experience tells us we should be putting PFDs on children anyway, for our own peace of mind.
Keep on sailing happily,
Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Catherine Monaghan wrote: The Federal Requirements regarding PFDs, including for children, can be found at:
<a href=" ... PFD.asp</a>
Many states have there own laws regarding PFDs. Check you state's boating laws.
You'll also find the State PFD Requirements at the BoatU.S. Foundation's web site at:
<a href=" ... nts.htm</a>
Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
I assume that you agree that this new requirement is law as of midnight tonight, not that there is some other date? That seems to be how the Federal Register reads.
It does seem a shame that owners of documented and/or registered vessels are not made aware of these changes directly. I get lots of email from BoatUS, West Marine, and Sailnet, but I have seen zip on this before it was brought up on this most wonderful board. It isn't even in the Notice to Mariners as best I can tell.
Keep on sailing,
I assume that you agree that this new requirement is law as of midnight tonight, not that there is some other date? That seems to be how the Federal Register reads.
It does seem a shame that owners of documented and/or registered vessels are not made aware of these changes directly. I get lots of email from BoatUS, West Marine, and Sailnet, but I have seen zip on this before it was brought up on this most wonderful board. It isn't even in the Notice to Mariners as best I can tell.
Keep on sailing,
Catherine Monaghan wrote: Ken,
Thanks. I don't think that it's on their (USCG) web site because it isn't a law yet. There page on the <a href=" ... p">Federal Requirements</a> regarding PFDs is current as of October 2001, so it's not terribly out of date.
I think the biggest problem for us is that the laws are different in each state. This can be confusing when you sail on waterways that have a border running down the middle of them, as we do. And this pertains to all boating laws not just those concerning PFDs.
For example, in NJ all children under the age of 12 have to be wearing a PFD at all times while onboard whether they're in the cockpit or down below and it doesn't matter if you're at the dock or underway. But if they're passengers on a big ferry or something, they don't have to wear them. If we sail over that imaginary line into NY waters, they can take them off if they go down below and they don't have to where them while dockside.
The Federal Requirements state that any vessel less than 39.4 feet/12 meters in length is required to make an efficient sound signal to signal intentions and to signal your position in periods of reduced visibility. NJ accepts this requirement as is, so in NJ all we need is a horn or whistle. We have a couple of those canned air horns on board. But in NY, a vessel greater than 26 feet in length is also required to have a bell. So that means we must have a bell too.
These are just a couple of examples, but you can see where boaters can get confused.
So, we have to make sure that our vessels meets CG requirements and the requirements of the different jurisdictions that we sail in.
Thank goodness for publications like Soundings and organizations like BoatU.S. that keep us informed, I think a lot better than our governments, regarding changes in the regulations, and to the people that use this board.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Ken Coit wrote: Cathy,
Thanks for the links; I was searching everywhere to find some reference to this. The usual USCG links are out of date; I have found nothing on this at their web sites. Funding is really an issue when laws are implemented and not promulgated. The link below is for the Federal Register and it provides many details about the process and comments that were received.
I suppose that enforcement will be lax for this season, but experience tells us we should be putting PFDs on children anyway, for our own peace of mind.
Keep on sailing happily,
Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Catherine Monaghan wrote: The Federal Requirements regarding PFDs, including for children, can be found at:
<a href=" ... PFD.asp</a>
Many states have there own laws regarding PFDs. Check you state's boating laws.
You'll also find the State PFD Requirements at the BoatU.S. Foundation's web site at:
<a href=" ... nts.htm</a>
Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Re: New PFD Rule cancelled
The Federal Register states that the PFD requirement for certain children aboard recreational vessels has been withdrawn by the US Coast Guard. This final rule amending 33 CFR part 175 published on February 27, 2002 (67 FR 8881) is withdrawn as of March 27, 2002. The Coast Guard said that "it needs to reconsider the extent, if any, to which its rule should supersede State's rules..." Notice can be seen on Coast Guard or Ferderal Register web sites. The change has also been reported on the United States Power Squadrons web site.
Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
Bristol, RI
The Federal Register states that the PFD requirement for certain children aboard recreational vessels has been withdrawn by the US Coast Guard. This final rule amending 33 CFR part 175 published on February 27, 2002 (67 FR 8881) is withdrawn as of March 27, 2002. The Coast Guard said that "it needs to reconsider the extent, if any, to which its rule should supersede State's rules..." Notice can be seen on Coast Guard or Ferderal Register web sites. The change has also been reported on the United States Power Squadrons web site.
Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
Bristol, RI
Links to SailNet article and Federal Register re: PFD requir
Yes, it looks like this new regulation is in effect as of March 29, 2002. And like you, I hadn't noticed anything about it until it was mentioned on this board even though I'm a SailNet subscriber and get their regular electronic newsletter -- that's what I get for just skimming through it.
For those that haven't seen any of the announcements regarding the new regulation requiring children 13 and under to wear PFDs while onboard, please see:
<a href=" ... 1">SailNet article: New PFD Rule</a>
<a href=" ... n=retrieve">[Federal Register: February 27, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 39)]</a>
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 8881-8885]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Yes, it looks like this new regulation is in effect as of March 29, 2002. And like you, I hadn't noticed anything about it until it was mentioned on this board even though I'm a SailNet subscriber and get their regular electronic newsletter -- that's what I get for just skimming through it.
For those that haven't seen any of the announcements regarding the new regulation requiring children 13 and under to wear PFDs while onboard, please see:
<a href=" ... 1">SailNet article: New PFD Rule</a>
<a href=" ... n=retrieve">[Federal Register: February 27, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 39)]</a>
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 8881-8885]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Ken Coit wrote: Cathy,
I assume that you agree that this new requirement is law as of midnight tonight, not that there is some other date? That seems to be how the Federal Register reads.
It does seem a shame that owners of documented and/or registered vessels are not made aware of these changes directly. I get lots of email from BoatUS, West Marine, and Sailnet, but I have seen zip on this before it was brought up on this most wonderful board. It isn't even in the Notice to Mariners as best I can tell.
Keep on sailing,
Catherine Monaghan wrote: Ken,
Thanks. I don't think that it's on their (USCG) web site because it isn't a law yet. There page on the <a href=" ... p">Federal Requirements</a> regarding PFDs is current as of October 2001, so it's not terribly out of date.
I think the biggest problem for us is that the laws are different in each state. This can be confusing when you sail on waterways that have a border running down the middle of them, as we do. And this pertains to all boating laws not just those concerning PFDs.
For example, in NJ all children under the age of 12 have to be wearing a PFD at all times while onboard whether they're in the cockpit or down below and it doesn't matter if you're at the dock or underway. But if they're passengers on a big ferry or something, they don't have to wear them. If we sail over that imaginary line into NY waters, they can take them off if they go down below and they don't have to where them while dockside.
The Federal Requirements state that any vessel less than 39.4 feet/12 meters in length is required to make an efficient sound signal to signal intentions and to signal your position in periods of reduced visibility. NJ accepts this requirement as is, so in NJ all we need is a horn or whistle. We have a couple of those canned air horns on board. But in NY, a vessel greater than 26 feet in length is also required to have a bell. So that means we must have a bell too.
These are just a couple of examples, but you can see where boaters can get confused.
So, we have to make sure that our vessels meets CG requirements and the requirements of the different jurisdictions that we sail in.
Thank goodness for publications like Soundings and organizations like BoatU.S. that keep us informed, I think a lot better than our governments, regarding changes in the regulations, and to the people that use this board.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Catherine Monaghan wrote:Ken Coit wrote: Cathy,
Thanks for the links; I was searching everywhere to find some reference to this. The usual USCG links are out of date; I have found nothing on this at their web sites. Funding is really an issue when laws are implemented and not promulgated. The link below is for the Federal Register and it provides many details about the process and comments that were received.
I suppose that enforcement will be lax for this season, but experience tells us we should be putting PFDs on children anyway, for our own peace of mind.
Keep on sailing happily,
Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Links to Federal Registrar re: Notice of Withdrawal
Yes, I found that too. They managed to withdraw it just two days prior to it going into effect.
Anyone who wants to read the documents pertaining to the proposed rule, please see:
<a href="">Final Rule, Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 39, 02/27/2002
<a href="">Final Rule, Notice of Withdrawal, Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 59, 03/27/2002
It should be noted that it's only been withdrawn so that they can review whether or not this rule should supersede state laws. Now we just have to wait and see what happens next.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Anyone who wants to read the documents pertaining to the proposed rule, please see:
<a href="">Final Rule, Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 39, 02/27/2002
<a href="">Final Rule, Notice of Withdrawal, Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 59, 03/27/2002
It should be noted that it's only been withdrawn so that they can review whether or not this rule should supersede state laws. Now we just have to wait and see what happens next.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Joe Mac Phee wrote: Don,
The Federal Register states that the PFD requirement for certain children aboard recreational vessels has been withdrawn by the US Coast Guard. This final rule amending 33 CFR part 175 published on February 27, 2002 (67 FR 8881) is withdrawn as of March 27, 2002. The Coast Guard said that "it needs to reconsider the extent, if any, to which its rule should supersede State's rules..." Notice can be seen on Coast Guard or Ferderal Register web sites. The change has also been reported on the United States Power Squadrons web site.
Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
Bristol, RI