Anyone have any experience with water-based ablative bottom paints?
Now that I've stripped my CD22 to the gel coat, and once I've faired it and applied a barrier coat, I am planning to use a water-based bottom paint for the sake of the environment (as well as for my own safety and convenience).
Water-Based Bottom Paint
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Water-Based Bottom Paint
re: barrier coat: if you are using Interlux 2000, Interlux calls for 4 to 5 coats,put at least 7, more doesn't hurt (did this on my cd33,)
follow the instructions as you have a few hours after the last coat of the 2000 to apply Interlux Micron CSC. I put 3 coats lasted 4 years in fresh water.
follow the instructions as you have a few hours after the last coat of the 2000 to apply Interlux Micron CSC. I put 3 coats lasted 4 years in fresh water.
Stephen wrote: Anyone have any experience with water-based ablative bottom paints?
Now that I've stripped my CD22 to the gel coat, and once I've faired it and applied a barrier coat, I am planning to use a water-based bottom paint for the sake of the environment (as well as for my own safety and convenience).
Re: Water-Based Bottom Paint
I like Interlux "red hand". You only have tro apply one coat. In fall at pull out just hose it down. Then in spring aplly a new coat. No sanding. We've been using it for many years.