Powerful Message?

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Ken Coit

Powerful Message?

Post by Ken Coit »

In today's paper there is a column by Bob Simpson, an outdoorsman, who related this story about Charlie Dickey (I will have to research who Charlie Dickey is):

An old hunting/fishing partner once asked him how many dead men he knew that go hunting. Dickie puzzled over that and replied that he couldn't offhand recall any. His friend replied that at one time he knew hardly any dead folks, but, now, after he had retired, well, he figures he knows more dead hunters/fishermaen than live ones.

"You know what that means? It means that not a single one of those folks can go hunting or fishing anymore," he went on. "Which means that some day I might be dead too and that translates into: Don't allow duties and work get in the way of pleasure because some day you might not have any choice."

Bob Simpson also is a boater. He owns Sylvia II, a real wooden 36 foot Core Sounder, that has a birthday party each year at the Sanitary Fish Market and Restaurant in Morehead City, NC. She just turned 70. See the link below for more of Bob and Sylvia II.

Keep on sailing!

Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

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