Harrison's H4 Longitude Clock is Running!

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Ken Coit

Harrison's H4 Longitude Clock is Running!

Post by Ken Coit »

Check it out at the link below. The watch that won the longitude prize is ticking away once again.

Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Ed Roberts

Re: Harrison's H4 Longitude Clock is Running!

Post by Ed Roberts »

I see that Dava Sobel's wonderful book, "Longitude" the story of Harrison's life, is now available on Amazon in paperback for under $10. Highly recommended.
Ken Coit

Re: Harrison's H4 Longitude Clock is Running!

Post by Ken Coit »

I have both editions. The second edition is much better illustrated.

We visited the observatory at Greenwich several years ago. I was quite amused as I meandered about the museum where Harrison's various attempts are displayed. He tried at least three fairly large mechanisms before hitting on the large watch that won the prize. I looked everywhere for the winning mechanism, thinking it would also be large, only to discover that it was the somewhat oversized pocket watch. He had quite a fight to win and collect that prize.

Ed Roberts wrote: I see that Dava Sobel's wonderful book, "Longitude" the story of Harrison's life, is now available on Amazon in paperback for under $10. Highly recommended.

Mike Raehl

Re: Harrison's H4 Longitude Clock is Running!

Post by Mike Raehl »

I read "Longitude" about a year ago... It probably was the virus that re-infected me with the sailing bug. That, plus a little small boat sailing last summer resulted in the purchase of Roberta Jane II in November; and, today spent at the marina sanding her bottom in preparation for new anti-fouling paint. And tonight, my reading the Cape Dory board with by sailing hat on. Highly recommend "Longitude" but read it at your own risk.
Mike Raehl
TY Weekender #1958
Home Port: Piermont, NY on the Hudson River

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