Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Paul D.

Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Paul D. »

Well we done went and did it. The money just left my account so I guess the CD 33 #77 is ours. (I realize the temptation of fate in that statement!) After participating on this page since '97 and restoring a Typhoon we are continuing to fulfill Andy Vavolotis' manifesto by moving up through the product line.

We have found a good home for HORNET, Typhoon #1178 and hopefully will find a mooring for our new vessel. (I refuse to tempt fate in this regard.) So soon my brother and I travel to Illinois to pack her up for transport to the great white North.

Any other CD owners on Superior I should know about? Please make yourself known to me. I will take all and any advice freely. It is especially important to me to keep my marriage strong through this all, so don't be shy.

It should be noted that this message board was quite a factor in the selection of this boat. That fact that I am announcing this to "The Community" and that I know folks will respond is powerful not only for ownership, but for resale.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know this thing. We want to sail through the big stuff with her then fix a pot of tea below. Though not one for capriciousness in the financial vein, this was a little crazy for us to do.

But darn, I want to sit up straight in my boat.

Paul Danicic & Carmela Nyemetz
CD 33 #77
Minneapolis, MN
Chris Anderson

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Chris Anderson »

Just curious, did you buy the one that has been for sale at
Larsen's Marina?

Leo MacDonald CD33

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Congratulations Paul & Carmela,

I've got word the CD33 is fast (in a relative sense.) Is #77 a 1982 model year?

We're also new-to-CD33 owners who have not yet sailed her. Our 'Delivery Sail' is late April - I'll let you know how it goes :-)

Leo MacDonald
'Evening Light' 1981 CD33 #38
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: May be fast compared to.....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Commanding Evening Light,

Well, yes, admittedly, she may be a very nice vessel. I have already heard that Ruth Ann LOVES the additional space. Something about it shaping up as a nice new CAMPER! Nice woodwork inside, etc. But, Sir, it remains to be seen if in fact a CD-33 can best(relatively speaking!) that pirate vessel Hanalei, a CD-30C equipped with a brandy new Mack Sails mains'l and yankee of about 110 to 115%! She will also have a slightly knobly bottom with new paint and no weed hanging off her keel!

The proof is in the pudding as they say. I remain Sir, your most humble servant.......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE!!!!
Out of Noank shipyard, Noank, CT
Larry DeMers

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Larry DeMers »

Paul and Carmela,

Welcome! Good choice by the way..the 33 is a nice boat. There is already one other 33 on Superior, at Port Superior Marina in Bayfield.

My wife and I have sailed Lake Superior for nearly 30 years now..and 12 of that with our CD30 DeLaMer. I would highly recommend the Bayfield area because of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. Here you have access (unfettered so far, but that may be changing if the NPS has their way)to 22 unspoiled and unpopulated islands, scattered over an 800 sq.mile area. Each island is uniquely apportioned in attractions for the hiker, camper, sailor, birder (is that a word even?), and those seeking relaxation and escape from the city life. Each island has many anchorage areas, usually on it's southern sand covered shoreline.

I consider it my home actually.

Please feel free to write anytime and discuss any aspect of sailing on Lake Superior. There *are* some things that you will find a bit different up there when compared to inland sailing, and you wil need to know about them.


Larry and Jan DeMers
Co-Captains of;
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 of Lake Superior

Paul D. wrote: Well we done went and did it. The money just left my account so I guess the CD 33 #77 is ours. (I realize the temptation of fate in that statement!) After participating on this page since '97 and restoring a Typhoon we are continuing to fulfill Andy Vavolotis' manifesto by moving up through the product line.

We have found a good home for HORNET, Typhoon #1178 and hopefully will find a mooring for our new vessel. (I refuse to tempt fate in this regard.) So soon my brother and I travel to Illinois to pack her up for transport to the great white North.

Any other CD owners on Superior I should know about? Please make yourself known to me. I will take all and any advice freely. It is especially important to me to keep my marriage strong through this all, so don't be shy.

It should be noted that this message board was quite a factor in the selection of this boat. That fact that I am announcing this to "The Community" and that I know folks will respond is powerful not only for ownership, but for resale.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know this thing. We want to sail through the big stuff with her then fix a pot of tea below. Though not one for capriciousness in the financial vein, this was a little crazy for us to do.

But darn, I want to sit up straight in my boat.

Paul Danicic & Carmela Nyemetz
CD 33 #77
Minneapolis, MN
Leo MacDonald CD33

Fast compared to.....the average CD30 dhs

Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Capt. Stumpy,

" . . . CAMPER!" To what are you referring????? Surly it would not be the 'name board' of 'Evening Light' in which you plan to study as you follow her across the FINISH LINE next summer!!

You tempt fate my favorite Pirate Capt. (Michael, is he our only Pirate Capt.? What of that S/V "Alphee"?)

Leo MacDonald
Captain Commanding Fast Sloop 'Evening Light'
Groton, CT

Re: Fast compared to.....the average CD30 dhs

Post by Christy-Palliere »

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Capt. Stumpy,

" . . . CAMPER!" To what are you referring????? Surly it would not be the 'name board' of 'Evening Light' in which you plan to study as you follow her across the FINISH LINE next summer!!

You tempt fate my favorite Pirate Capt. (Michael, is he our only Pirate Capt.? What of that S/V "Alphee"?)

Leo MacDonald
Captain Commanding Fast Sloop 'Evening Light'
Groton, CT

Avast, ye headstrong racers with ye bold talk, fopping at the mouth, but not at the steel, arrrrr!!!!

Be it known that S/V "Alphee", in the best pirate tradition, is a lone wolf cruiser, whilst Ye MErrie Gentlemen cavort and gambol about the waves pursuing thy trophies and racing matters, we cruise eagerly about, preying on fat, juicy lumbering merchantmen, pouncing upon them as prizes, thanks to the indisputable sailing abilities of the inimitable CD27!

Many a grossly overweight and ungainly prize have we met and claimed, a whole lot of huge lubberly Beneteaus, Dufours, Out Islanders, ill-named "Buccaneers" and other watergoing busses, taking the rich booty from this unseemly coastal trade, pillaging a-plenty, dividing equally among Rogue Cap'n & Deserving Crew!

Be certain, Mateys, there will be cutting-out expeditions this summer the details of which it would be foolish to divulge, while you do your racing and succumb to your heady brews thereafter, eh!

Your verbal parrying and thrusting is most enjoyable, Revered Racing Cap'ms, I salute Thee All, and whilst Thee all trim thy sails and polish thine hulls to a smoothness yet undreamt by Man or Beast, We of the "Alphee" shall be mounting new iron on deck, stowing landgradge and grape in our magazines, and readying foranother successful season with out cutlasses and bow chasers!

Humbly submitted, whilst admiring thy Bold Endeavours,
I remain, As Always,
Your Devoted if Erstwhile Servant,

Alpheus Baggywrinkle, Cap'm,
Holder of Continental Letter of Marque #4.
Captain Commanding, Hanal

Re: See there, ya stirred him up!!! ! !

Post by Captain Commanding, Hanal »

Captain MacDonald,

Now ya done with it Sir, Alphee has been put on notice. You WILL live to regret this unkindly act Sir. This Captain is known to have even less of a seakindly treatment of prizes taken. Who knows where Evening Light will end up?

Dave Stump
Captain commanding
s/v Hanalei

P.S. Good to hear from you Captain Feder.....
Warren Kaplan

Re: Fast compared to.....the average CD30 dhs

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Christy-Palliere wrote:
Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Capt. Stumpy,

" . . . CAMPER!" To what are you referring????? Surly it would not be the 'name board' of 'Evening Light' in which you plan to study as you follow her across the FINISH LINE next summer!!

You tempt fate my favorite Pirate Capt. (Michael, is he our only Pirate Capt.? What of that S/V "Alphee"?)

Leo MacDonald
Captain Commanding Fast Sloop 'Evening Light'
Groton, CT

Avast, ye headstrong racers with ye bold talk, fopping at the mouth, but not at the steel, arrrrr!!!!

Be it known that S/V "Alphee", in the best pirate tradition, is a lone wolf cruiser, whilst Ye MErrie Gentlemen cavort and gambol about the waves pursuing thy trophies and racing matters, we cruise eagerly about, preying on fat, juicy lumbering merchantmen, pouncing upon them as prizes, thanks to the indisputable sailing abilities of the inimitable CD27!

Many a grossly overweight and ungainly prize have we met and claimed, a whole lot of huge lubberly Beneteaus, Dufours, Out Islanders, ill-named "Buccaneers" and other watergoing busses, taking the rich booty from this unseemly coastal trade, pillaging a-plenty, dividing equally among Rogue Cap'n & Deserving Crew!

Be certain, Mateys, there will be cutting-out expeditions this summer the details of which it would be foolish to divulge, while you do your racing and succumb to your heady brews thereafter, eh!

Your verbal parrying and thrusting is most enjoyable, Revered Racing Cap'ms, I salute Thee All, and whilst Thee all trim thy sails and polish thine hulls to a smoothness yet undreamt by Man or Beast, We of the "Alphee" shall be mounting new iron on deck, stowing landgradge and grape in our magazines, and readying foranother successful season with out cutlasses and bow chasers!

Humbly submitted, whilst admiring thy Bold Endeavours,
I remain, As Always,
Your Devoted if Erstwhile Servant,

Alpheus Baggywrinkle, Cap'm,
Holder of Continental Letter of Marque #4.

Alpheus Baggywrinkle is it? Captain of Alphee, a CD27 and #4 of that incredible vintage. If memory serves Capt Yves Feder was master last. Methinks Alphee is sporting a new Vectran mainsail which makes one wonder why the choice of Baggywrinkle. Such a sail should give racing competitors pause, even when the Alphee is just cruising to plunder!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166 (1980)
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
Michael Heintz

Macht Nichts...NOT your AVERAGE CD 30

Post by Michael Heintz »

Captains Leo and Stumpy aka chicken legs

Macht Nichts is NOT YOUR AVERAGE CD 30....No in fact she is the RACING SLOOP CD 30 MK II......No cutter rig on this small fact New from UK sails...Loose footed fully battened Mainsail...on the other foot please find the NEW Pasagemaker Genoa 150%....

Not only will you have the Pleasure to race against Macht Nichts, but joining my fleet will be Lary Austin...LAYLA CD30 MK II RACING SLOOP and Captain Dick Feffer...ADAMARIE CD 30 MK II RACING SLOOP

Beware Captains The THREE AMIGOS THE DEADLY TRIO. We three Captains have been meeting on a weekly basis to discuss strategy, and it matters not which of the three take # 1, it will be a 1,2,3,finish of the THREE AMIGOS CD 30 MKII'S RACING SLOOPS.

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Honored Sir, Captain BLOODY Feder !

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captains Heintz, Feffer and Austin,

Honored Sirs, and received your last this instant. Must inform you Sirs, of another Pirate Captain, the honorable(as far as Pirates are concerned)Captain BLOODY Feder, Captain Commanding the illustrious Cape Dory 27, Alphee.! This captain is known among all other pirate captains as one that gives no quarter. None is expected of him, and none will be given. He flies the skull and cross bones, and when you hear his crew moaning and bellowing as they bear down on ya, you will wonder for your forgiveness. You Sirs, and the rest of this lash up Cape Dory 30 Mark II fleet will live to regret that you ever spied the pirate ship Alphee coming down on your Port quarter. And down on your Port quarter she will come, to windward of you Sir, steal away your wind she will, fire a broadside into you, grapple ya, board ya and take ya as prize as she sails off to the WIN at the finish line off of Latimer's Reef(well, maybe not WIN, after all, she will still be FOLLOWING the sailing/pirate vessel Hanalei!). It promises to be as glorious as the Battle of the Nile. Shorebound folk and even those at sea will talk of this day coming for many years and will be amazed! Common sailors will feel for a missing leg and wonder on the day!

Polish your bottom Sir, a beatin' is yet to come(and yes, in this instant, I mean yours, not your vessels!). Bend on whatever new rags you can obtain from the sail locker, all will be in vain! But please, Sir, do not feel downcast, or abused, your downfall is pre-ordained, but the victorius Captains would still welcome you and your defeated crew to the festivaties at the Watch Hill Inn! At the Inn, a grand celebration will occur wherein CDSOA NUMBER ONE is once again awarded to the Sailin' vessel Hanalei! I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant.........You may ask Sir, how I know of all this? The answer is obvious and already given, the original vessel "Alphee" came from Cowes, England! ! Get it Sir? The America's Cup and all that! ! The sailing vessel "America", a ship that gave no quarter to any that challenged her!

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
sv Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! !
Nautical Traditions Officer
Race Committee Chairman
Watch Hill Dinner/Napatree Anchorage Chairman
Out of Noank Shipyard, Noank, CT
Paul D.

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Paul D. »


Yes this boat is currently named Christine Lynn and was at Larsen I believe four years.

Paul D.

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Paul D. »


Thanks for the welcome. #77 is an '82 and is in good shape yet not upgraded. Looking forward to many conversations about 33 esoterica!

Paul Danicic
zeida cecilia

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by zeida cecilia »

Hi, Paul and Carmela... just read about your new CD-33. I also own CD-33 hull #73, so yours is not far behind. If you haven"t, here's my link to Bandolera II website, and you can read a bit more about my boat. I have done extensive upgrades to her, have been in and out of every nook and cranny... and yes, you will LOVE your boat, but there are some things you MUST KNOW. Mine has a Universal diesel 3-cylinder, 24 hp engine. Have done extensive electrical upgrades to her. If interested, you can email me directly.
Zeida Cecilia
Bandolera II
Chris Anderson

Re: Proud, New (Naive) 33 Owner - MN

Post by Chris Anderson »


Congratulations! I've given some thought to moving up
from a 25D and I noticed the Larsen CD33 has been "out there"
for some time. I'm still a few years away from moving
up, if at all, and the CD33 seems ideal.

Have fun,
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