CD 25 Rendezvous

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Jim Myers

CD 25 Rendezvous

Post by Jim Myers »

So far we have 7 CD25s coming to Scituate Harbor Massachusets for June 21-23, 2002 Please let us know if there are any more CD25s interested as we may need to reserve some mooring and Dinner spaces. It looks like we may have a flotilla en route as well!
Gary McDonough

Re: CD 25 Rendezvous

Post by Gary McDonough »

I've heard that because of the dredging going on this year in Scituate a good percentage of the moorings will be out of commission at all times which will force many owners to either launch early, lauch late or in some cases more than once. Does anybody know what this will mean to the transients as far as availability?

I don't have a CD25 but I usually end up there a couple of times each season.

John Matthews

Re: CD 25 Rendezvous

Post by John Matthews »

Jim Myers wrote: I'm planning to make the rendezvous, coming down from Ipswich Bay.
John Matthews
CD25 #278, Resonance
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