I'm looking for one or two folks who'd like to crew up the east coast. It'll be inside and outside, depending on the weather. The boat is returning to Lake Ontario. Ocean and ICW as far as New York City, then the Hudson and either the Erie Canal or Lake Champlain and the ST. Lawrence River.
It'll be a bit cool this time of year, but its a facinating trip with a ton of beautiful things to see.
LaVida is a 33' Cape Dory, fully rigged for blue water sailing and I've done this trip many, many times.
Recent crew illness is the cause of this offer. References given and asked for.
I'm leaving Ft. Lauderdale around the 15th of March and you can ship for one week or more, depending on your schedule.
Pay for your own transportation and chip in for food. Marina stays are split equally, but we mostly anchor out. The boat will be in the voyaging mode, although I've been known to hang in an interesting place that the crew fancies.
Contact me directly. My phone number is 716.870.9454, if i don't answer please leave your name, phone number and when you'd like to crew and I'll call you right back.
crew needed for icw & gulf stream passage
Moderator: Jim Walsh