The Typhoon is in the garage for the winter. I'd like to add a wind speed/direction gauge.Any suggestions?Thanks,
Wind speed/direction gauge
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Wind speed/direction gauge
By all means do it. Its the single most used gauge on my boat. I sail the boat by it. Eliminates much confusion at the helm when tacking etc and I dont have a stiff neck from looking up all the time.
Mine is a Data marine. They are expensive though. Install should be easy with the mast down.
Mine is a Data marine. They are expensive though. Install should be easy with the mast down.
Bruce Hettleman wrote: The Typhoon is in the garage for the winter. I'd like to add a wind speed/direction gauge.Any suggestions?Thanks,
Re: Wind speed/direction gauge
Bruce --Bruce Hettleman wrote: The Typhoon is in the garage for the winter. I'd like to add a wind speed/direction gauge.Any suggestions?Thanks,
I installed a speedtech wireless weather system on my cd 36, which, in addition to wind direction and strength provides a barometer, hygromerter, temperature, wind chill, dew point, and a host of other
functions. The advantage is (1)no wires to rig through the mast, and (2) price aprox 500, which is more economical than most wind instruments. Available from Celestair in Kansas as well as directly from the company. works great and I enjoy the weather functions.