Any CDers have their Captains License?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


Any CDers have their Captains License?

Post by jed »

Hi all,
Thinking about taking a Cap't course to get my OUPV 6 pac, wondering if it is worth it? Do you have yours?


Stauart Thoams

Re: Any CDers have their Captains License?

Post by Stauart Thoams »


I have my OUPV license and recommend it if you are in the boating industry. I also teach SCUBA diving, so it also applies to that field too.

In the way of getting certified, I home studied and then took a course from a company in Key West (where I was living at the time..).

Remeber, keep track of your sea time.

Good Luck!


jed wrote: Hi all,
Thinking about taking a Cap't course to get my OUPV 6 pac, wondering if it is worth it? Do you have yours?


charlie palumbo

Re: Any CDers have their Captains License?

Post by charlie palumbo »

jed wrote: Hi all,
Thinking about taking a Cap't course to get my OUPV 6 pac, wondering if it is worth it? Do you have yours?


Have my captains licence for 15 years. Not to discourage you by any means, it takes a lot of studying............especially memorizing.
As I remember it, it is a five part test. You must score 90 ON THE RULES OF HE ROAD SECTION. If you fail any section all you have to do is take that part over again. In reality, I never used it as it was a challenge to me at that time just to get it. You can use it in certain applications though, if you are that serious about it. It did help me a bit when I chartered a boat in the carribean. One more thing.....the test site is a coast guard station and they treat it as serious business.
Be prepared to be there the whole day and brown bag your lunch.
good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Any CDers have their Captains License?

Post by Jim »

I am taking the OUPV 6 Pack now from a company called Mystic Safe Boating. So far it has been good. I am only doing it to learn something and make the winter go faster! In those terms it is well worth it. Besides, having more qualified operators on the water can only be a good thing.
So far I have the Colregs and Towing Assist Endorsement done. We meet one night a week. I am going with a friend which I find helpful. Good Luck.
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Education is.........

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Education is one thing in this world that no one can ever take away from you. If you wanted to take paying passengers aboard, you must have a 100 ton CG license. Yes, 100 ton! The Coast Guard no longer awards what was known as a 6 pack license(6 passengers, uninspected vessel) The minimum is now 100 ton! You will learn a lot about tugs and tows on the inland waters of the US. More than I ever need to know, if I see a tug and tow while at sea, a mate is assigned to watch it until we are well clear of the vessel! You will have to document your experience, pass a drug test, have a physical and just a lot of stuff! But, it is all an education, and that can't be all that bad.......fwiw...

Dave Stump
Don Carr

Re: Education is.........

Post by Don Carr »

What CFR obsoleted the OUPV 6 Pack? As of December 18,2001. This was still valid. AKA Charter Boat Captains License. I would be happy to know your source.
Now if you want to go more than 50 miles offshore that is a different story.
Larry DeMers

Re: Education is.........

Post by Larry DeMers »

Captain Stump Sir,

You are kidding surely..have they really dropped the 6-Pack? wow..
The 100 ton is a lot harder to pass than the 'old' 6-pack was. Why did they do that for crying out loud?

I have to ask..what does all of that study and work entitle you to IF you are not involved in captaining a charter vessel? Sure, you now know what a Flinders Bar is, and can read various light combinations unless you are color blind (but then you would not be taking this test would you?). I could see getting the 6 pack especially if you are involved in teaching or chartering your vessel out for hire, or even to document your accomplishments thru your trail of licensing.

But the 100 ton is another order of magnitude in difficulty and really is so far beyond what a charter captain needs, as to be a waste of time. So why do it? I'd rather be sailing than memorizing books of unlikely to used data etc. Maybe there is a benefit from the knowledge that you will gain from this endevour, but if the knowledge is so arcane and big-ship specific, rather than sailboat specific, I don't get the incentive to do this anymore.

Just wondering,


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Jed,

Education is one thing in this world that no one can ever take away from you. If you wanted to take paying passengers aboard, you must have a 100 ton CG license. Yes, 100 ton! The Coast Guard no longer awards what was known as a 6 pack license(6 passengers, uninspected vessel) The minimum is now 100 ton! You will learn a lot about tugs and tows on the inland waters of the US. More than I ever need to know, if I see a tug and tow while at sea, a mate is assigned to watch it until we are well clear of the vessel! You will have to document your experience, pass a drug test, have a physical and just a lot of stuff! But, it is all an education, and that can't be all that bad.......fwiw...

Dave Stump
Al Smith

Re: Any CDers have their Captains License?

Post by Al Smith »

Stauart Thoams wrote: Jed,

I have my OUPV license and recommend it if you are in the boating industry. I also teach SCUBA diving, so it also applies to that field too.

In the way of getting certified, I home studied and then took a course from a company in Key West (where I was living at the time..).

Remeber, keep track of your sea time.

Good Luck!


jed wrote: Hi all,
Thinking about taking a Cap't course to get my OUPV 6 pac, wondering if it is worth it? Do you have yours?


Hi Jed,

I've had my 50ton masters for 7 years now and do a little chartering on others boats as well as captain for a charter company. A few deliveries have come along that were attractive, also. Is it worth it? Yes, to me it is just because I thought it would be fun to have. Any money in it? Not much unless you don't have to sacrifice family or work time. Am I a better sailor for it? Yes, because it made me finally learn all those damn rules we leave the land to forget. Incidently, there are modules for a sailing endorsement and a towing endorsment, both of which are worth getting.

Keep Sailing,

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: I stand corrected.....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


I just contacted Commander 1st. Coast District, and a young lady there said yes, they still issue it.

I also spoke a Captain that teaches for the license and he said with his company a "6 Pack" license would cost about $1,000 to $1,500.00. that is for everything, training, fees, exam, drug screen etc. It is NOT a middling expense.

The confusion arose, because a "6 pack" license will authorize a Captain to take aboard 6 paying passengers on an unispected vessel up to 100 tons! There really is no 100 ton license, it is called a "Masters" license and there are all kinds of requirements for that.

Sorry for the confusion......

D. Stump
Bob B.

Re: Any CDers have their Captains License?

Post by Bob B. »

I have a 100 ton masters and 200 ton mate's license. It is a good bit of work and there is more to it than you would realize. I worked on tugs for several years and got my 100 ton license through Sea School. They have several locations around the country. There are other schools also. The school has the ability to test within the school for licenses up through 100 ton. When I did the 200 ton test, it was at the Coast Guard station. Both tests were throrough and taken very seriously. It is serious business and as D. Stump states, it makes you much more aware of the tugs and tows around you. I had sailed for twenty years before taking the job aboard the tugs and after being at the wheel of the tug, I realize how important it is for pleasure craft to understand lights, signals and how to share the waterway with commercial traffic. The education will be well worth it, IMHO. I think it was for me. As a cruising sailor, now, I find that much of what I learned keeps coming back. If the knowledge is there, you might not use it tomorrow, but then again you might need it tomorrow.

I do believe that some schools guarantee passage of the license tests and you can take the test three times, then if need be, retake the course for free, and then test again.

Good luck with it.

Bob Bundy
CD25D Tiva
Charleston, SC
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Try this site for info.......

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

I am not connected with this outfit in any way, but it looked like it provides some good information.


D. Stump
Don Carr


Post by Don Carr »

I am thinking of the Feb course. At Seaschool..they cost is only $695 and they also proctor the test on their premises. Fully CG Approved.
Lou Ostendorff

100 Ton License

Post by Lou Ostendorff »

Hi Bob;
Well, I was wondering, what with all the '100 Ton' and '200 Ton' training, how did you finally settle on a '3 Ton' Cape Dory ! (I have one too, BTW)
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D "Karma"
'82, #63
Will W

Home Study?

Post by Will W »

I'm interested in home studying for this. I like to learn but hate classes. Can you tell me what books I should cover and where i might find a list of requirements of knowledge to pass the "captian 6 pack" test. Oh wait, thats the "6 pack captain" test. I already passed the first one. Thanks

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Stauart Thoams wrote: Jed,

I have my OUPV license and recommend it if you are in the boating industry. I also teach SCUBA diving, so it also applies to that field too.

In the way of getting certified, I home studied and then took a course from a company in Key West (where I was living at the time..).

Remeber, keep track of your sea time.

Good Luck!


jed wrote: Hi all,
Thinking about taking a Cap't course to get my OUPV 6 pac, wondering if it is worth it? Do you have yours?


D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Good one,,,,I like your banter....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain 6 pack test, I love it! Is there such a thing as a GROG test?

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