After stepping my mast on my cd 36 I use wooden wedges for support and wrap around part of a rubber inner tube around the mast base secured with hose clamps.I tried the spartite system but prefer the aforementioned method............any other suggestions?
ALSO.....been meaning to replace set screws on stanchion base with more substantial your opinion is it better to drill through and use a bolt with locknut on the other end or use a bigger screw and retread?
cd 36 questions
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: cd 36 questions
I've been meaning to do the same thing with my stanchion bases. I will probably try re-tapping with a different screw first, perhaps a machine type that has a tighter thread pattern. If that doesn't suffice, you can still go back and drill through and add a bolt and nut assembly.
When the yard re-stepped my mast they wrapped the base with this thick wide self amalgomating tape that is completely water tight. Don't know where you pick it up tho'. Then I had the canvas guy who made my dodger just make a small mast boot out of the same canvas material....looks good.
When the yard re-stepped my mast they wrapped the base with this thick wide self amalgomating tape that is completely water tight. Don't know where you pick it up tho'. Then I had the canvas guy who made my dodger just make a small mast boot out of the same canvas material....looks good.
Re: cd 36 questions
A boat in my marina described a method to keep water from running past the mast.Patrick Turner wrote: I've been meaning to do the same thing with my stanchion bases. I will probably try re-tapping with a different screw first, perhaps a machine type that has a tighter thread pattern. If that doesn't suffice, you can still go back and drill through and add a bolt and nut assembly.
When the yard re-stepped my mast they wrapped the base with this thick wide self amalgomating tape that is completely water tight. Don't know where you pick it up tho'. Then I had the canvas guy who made my dodger just make a small mast boot out of the same canvas material....looks good.
When the boat yard stepped his mast they put 5/8" rope around the mast after putting in the wedges, making sure it was 2-3" below the partners and then filled the area from the rope up with silicone. The rope was only to keep the silicone from falling into the cabin. He says it has not leaked a drop since & was very inexpensive. The boot covers everything.
John CD31 Bonnie Blue
Re: cd 36 questions
The self amalgomating tape is sold at West Marine. I re-did mine after the yard used something like an old innertube that wouldn't keep the rain out.
The self amalgomating tape is sold at West Marine. I re-did mine after the yard used something like an old innertube that wouldn't keep the rain out.