mast step wiring mess...

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steve marcotte

mast step wiring mess...

Post by steve marcotte »

This is probably a pretty simple question--but could someone recommend a wiring/plug set-up for the tangle of wires at the mast step of a CD 25... The last two years we've replaced plugs and connectors, tested- then stepped the mast only to find that the bundle of connectors jammed under mast has failed again. Of course the lesson suggests not trying to jam that stuff under- but I'm uncertain how to best clean up the resulting mess -from an ascetic and safety perspective...
Any help or feedback is appreciated.
Man O'War CD25

Re: mast step wiring mess...

Post by Bill »


Up until about 10 minutes ago I had a picture of how I cured this problem aboard Rhapsody (IMHO a very neat, clean and functional fix). However, somehow, as I was preparing to put the pic on this page, my stinking @#% computer ate the *#&%&*&W# thing (several of them)....Sooooooooo the next time I am at the boat, I'll get some new pics and post them here.


steve marcotte wrote: This is probably a pretty simple question--but could someone recommend a wiring/plug set-up for the tangle of wires at the mast step of a CD 25... The last two years we've replaced plugs and connectors, tested- then stepped the mast only to find that the bundle of connectors jammed under mast has failed again. Of course the lesson suggests not trying to jam that stuff under- but I'm uncertain how to best clean up the resulting mess -from an ascetic and safety perspective...
Any help or feedback is appreciated.
Man O'War CD25
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