Cleaning and refurbishing Alum. TY mast

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les bloom

Cleaning and refurbishing Alum. TY mast

Post by les bloom »

Have my orginial 1974 TY mast warehoused for the winter. I have everything removed from it and plan to work on it after the new year. Any ideas,comments,or suggestions on how to do it,and products to use would be appreciated. Have seen one item about using "PENETROL" but nothing about the follow on results.

Thanks in advance,
Les Bloom
TY #576...../)
Serge Zimberoff

Re: Cleaning and refurbishing Alum. TY mast

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

Don't know about 'penetrol'. I think the choices are: new anodizing, paint or powder coating. Depends on your thoughts if you want aluminum look or not. Checked with a friend who just had the spar on his 50' down for major maintenance. He says Awlgrip or similar marine linear polyurethane goes on with a brush and looks as great as if it was sprayed.
Typhoon #1700
'Cloning Around'
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