Venting Hose Replacement

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Venting Hose Replacement

Post by Dave »

I need to replace a blocked up venting hose for my holding tank on a 1978 CD25. I am assuming and hoping that I'll just be able to tie and tape the new hose to the old one and just drag it through. Has anybody done this job before and is there anything I should watch out for. Thank for your help.

CD25 R&R
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: May be tye-wrapped....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


I replaced the 11/2" waste lines on Hanalei, the hose from the heaad to the holding tank ran under the area where the stove hangs. It was ty-wrapped in two places within about 18" of run! Had to make a special cutter that I fashioned out of a piece of 1/4" threaded rod to be able to reach in through the fore and aft bulkheads and cut the wraps.

I would suggest, have one person touch one end of the vent line, and you pull on the other. See if it moves easily. If it does, you can probably pull it out easily, if not, look for ty wraps! FWIW....

Dave Stump
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