CD 25 Rendezvous update

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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CD 25 Rendezvous update

Post by Jim »

Thanks to John Ring of s/v Sovereign our Rendezvous now has a web page. So it must be happening! For an update of our progress please go to;
We still do not have a date chosen so let us know your preferences.

Note: This is not in place of the general Cape Dory Rendezvous nor will any CD sailor be excluded. We are just focusing on our CD25s.
Neil Gordon

Re: CD 25 Rendezvous update

Post by Neil Gordon »

So much for the summer of 2001.

Let's plan a date for next summer... planning is what winter is all about!

By the way... as a crusing club of sorts... there's nothing wrong with picking dates for CD's to meet up in Boston, Gloucester, etc., etc. All of the above are a daysail away and make for good weekend destinations.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Catherine Monaghan

You mean Summer 2002, right???

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Jim and John,

I think you've got a typo on the CD25 rendezvous website. I think you mean "Summer 2002".


Jim wrote: Thanks to John Ring of s/v Sovereign our Rendezvous now has a web page. So it must be happening! For an update of our progress please go to;
We still do not have a date chosen so let us know your preferences.

Note: This is not in place of the general Cape Dory Rendezvous nor will any CD sailor be excluded. We are just focusing on our CD25s.

Re: CD 25 Rendezvous update

Post by Jim »

So far we have interest in the end of June 2002 (01)

Re: CD 25 Rendezvous update

Post by Jim »

So far we have interest in the end of June 2002 ( NOT 01)

OK, We'll push it back just for you guys! :-)

Post by Jon »

My Error,

All set now!
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