Stationary Cradle for Capre Dory Typhoon

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Ned Thompson

Stationary Cradle for Capre Dory Typhoon

Post by Ned Thompson »

Does anyone have plans for a stationary wooden Cape Dory Typhoon Cradle (19'6"). Over the past three years, we have paid a boatyard to store our Typhoon and the total for this service exceeded the boat's initial cost.
We want to build a wooden cradle which would be winched up an existing set of ways at our summer house. I do not want to use stands because of my situation and security issues.
I would look forward to any input someone may have.
Erik Lundell

Re: Stationary Cradle for Cape Dory Typhoon

Post by Erik Lundell »

Have one craddle for Typhoon. 3x3" beams poppits bolted to beams. good shape. located Chester, Conn. Can deliver. $300.00
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