I spoke with a fellow sailor (my boss) who has deceided to take her boat out early. To accopmplish this it required her to navigate up the Hudson river past the Atomic power plant. She was stopped by an armed Cost guard cutter that had a fixed automatic gun on the deck.
They were asked to lower their sails and motor up a thin corridor on the west side of the river. There is a 3000 foot no sail zone by the plant. I also heard that armed coast guard officials board all commercial craft and ride on board while they taverse the zone.
I love the security.... but the freight rail road goes through a tunnel directly under West Point and nobody is concerned about that! I'm not suprised we get hit. It seems like nobody asks the question any more... what if?
In my humble opinion!
Dennis Truett
Security on the high seas (hudson river)
Moderator: Jim Walsh