Florida or Bust!!! Maybe The Bahamas or th Keys!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Richard Feffer

Florida or Bust!!! Maybe The Bahamas or th Keys!

Post by Richard Feffer »

I plan to leave Connecticut on Sept 1 for Florida via the ICW. I wonder if any other CD owners might be making the same trip! Perhaps we could form a mini flotilla.

Richard Feffer

Della Mauk

Re: Florida or Bust!!! Maybe The Bahamas or th Keys!

Post by Della Mauk »


My husband Charlie and I plan to leave Oct 16 or 17 for Florida Keys and then over to the Bahamas, traveling down the ICW. We live in Kill Devil Hills, NC and we are 12 miles east of Green marker 173 (heading south from Coinjock) on the ICW where you cross the Albemarle Sound. We sail a CD36, LADYBUG, which we have been upgrading for the trip. We are waiting on the hot and humid weather to break to add refrigeration. We were waiting until Oct 16 or 17 because of the hurricane season and this is definitely hurricane alley!! We would be willing to join a flotilla, however, we plan to do a lot of sight seeing along the way.

Della Mauk
First Mate, s/v LADYBUG #138

John R.

Re: Florida or Bust!!! Maybe The Bahamas or th Keys!

Post by John R. »

Richard Feffer wrote: I plan to leave Connecticut on Sept 1 for Florida via the ICW. I wonder if any other CD owners might be making the same trip! Perhaps we could form a mini flotilla.

Richard Feffer
Living in Florida I might suggest you reconsider your departure date. You would be heading down here in PEAK hurricane season. The very end of October would be a far better date, but even that is risky for storms coming up from the western carribean and the southern Gulf crossing the state. I might suggest you do some additional homework on the storm histories and tracks.

Hope you have a nice trip otherwise.
Kevin Warren

Re: Florida or Bust!!! Maybe The Bahamas or th Keys!

Post by Kevin Warren »

Plan to head south from Ches Bay in late Oct for winter in Bahamas via ICW & Fla. Made the trip several times over the years and would be glad to give my opinion (all I have) on this great trip.
Conch ain't got no bones!

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