Chrysler 360

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Peter Lepari

Chrysler 360

Post by Peter Lepari »

I have a CD28 flybridge with the chrysler 360. It seem that the engine will run all day at 2300rpm or less but as soon as I get above that, the engine bogs down and the rpm drop down to 1000 or so. Has new plugs, wires rotor etc. new fuel filter. Has anyone else come across this problem? Whats the solution. Am trying to avoid chaising the problem.
Hobby Marine

Re: Chrysler 360

Post by Hobby Marine »


Here are some things to check,
1. It sounds like a fuel problem. Check the filter, the pick-up tube in the tank and the fuel vent line. All should be in good working order.
2. Check the timming advance in the distributor. On marine motors, the advance is by weights in the dist. If this linkage rusts, no advance.

Good luck,
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