Problem: Typhoon tiller goes through a large hole in the cockpit sole that is supposed to be sealed with a 1/2" thick teak oval. Supposed to be (!) only if a full tube of bedding compound is laid down perfectly first.
Solution: We use a black gasket material from the local industrial bearing shop around our nursery. It comes in rolls (or cut pieces) several feet wide and different thicknesses. We use 1/8" and have had it in the sun for 10+ years without cracking! This year at winter refit time I cut a new piece of 1/2" teak and a slightly oversized piece of the gasket. The hole for the tiller was cut just undersized so the gasket sealed tightly around the sleeve. Then a small amount of bedding compound was laid just around the tiller sleeve and the sandwich of teak and gasket was compressed to the deck with 6 evenly spaced #10 machine screws with washers and nuts below that can be reached from the cockpit lockers.
Advantages: Finally watertight and can be removed when necessary.
Note: This gasket material is black and sometimes called Neogasket.
Tech Tip - Gasket Seal
Moderator: Jim Walsh