My wife and I have been sailing our TY Weekender 'Ingeneue' #115 for a year now and love it. We are looking to make one small change by adding cam cleats for the jib sheets. However we do not wish to detract from the classic look of the TY. My local marine stor ementioned that bronze cleats used to be available. Any on eknow where I might be able to find a pair?
bronze cam cleats fo a TY
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: bronze cam cleats fo a TY
Dear Matt,Matt wrote: My wife and I have been sailing our TY Weekender 'Ingeneue' #115 for a year now and love it. We are looking to make one small change by adding cam cleats for the jib sheets. However we do not wish to detract from the classic look of the TY. My local marine stor ementioned that bronze cleats used to be available. Any on eknow where I might be able to find a pair?
Bristol Bronze makes a complete line of over 500 different items of Bronze marine fittings including 4 types of cam cleats and two types of swivel cam cleats. With Bronze cam cleats you won't have to worry about the bleeding rust of stainless steel staining your boat, your sails, or your lines or having the sun light deteriorate plastic ones. I still have original Bronze cam cleats on my own boat (she was built at Herreshoff Mfg. in Sept. of 1920) and they are still working fine. If you wish give me a call at 401-625-5224 and I will give you more detail.
Roger W
Bristol Bronze