Captains and Commanders,
If you would like to take a look at the channel into Little Naragansette Bay and ultimately to the anchorage at Napatree, do this: (probably easiest to print this post and use it as reference as you type)
2. Click on Mapserver
3. Enter Stonington, CT and hit GO
4. Click on Stonington Point, CT
5. Click on Nautical Charts
6. hit on Right Arrow to follow channel into Little Naragansette Bay.
7. Click on 1:40,000 scale.
8. Move cursor to each bouy, Lat/Long will be displayed.
I'm going to Napatree Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday, and will electronically map each bouy with my GPS. This should give even more accurate information of bouy position to assist you in getting into Napatree.
Also, Linda Duke off of Fayaway has provided some information about the local facilities at Watch Hill. I will pass that on post haste as soon as I get to my home computer.
Fair winds to is supposed to be a beautiful weekend according to the local weather man!!!...Oh, Yeh, Right!!!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Napatree Anchorage Chair
To see Napatree Anchorage, do this.....
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: We will anchor ....
Captains and Commanders,
We will be anchoring North of Napatree Point between the point and Denison Rock N-24, as you can see, there is a LOT of space and as long as you stay 100-200 feet off the beach you will not ground out as the tide changes.
Another Note, DO NOT attempt to enter the anchorage by passing between the North Shore of Napatree Point and the South end of Sandy Point. It looks as if there is a lot of water there, but the trouble is it is REAL SKINNY, you WILL go soft aground, which will ruin your day!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Napatree Anchorage Chair
We will be anchoring North of Napatree Point between the point and Denison Rock N-24, as you can see, there is a LOT of space and as long as you stay 100-200 feet off the beach you will not ground out as the tide changes.
Another Note, DO NOT attempt to enter the anchorage by passing between the North Shore of Napatree Point and the South end of Sandy Point. It looks as if there is a lot of water there, but the trouble is it is REAL SKINNY, you WILL go soft aground, which will ruin your day!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Napatree Anchorage Chair