Major Problems with 25cd Outboard Sugestions needed

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Major Problems with 25cd Outboard Sugestions needed

Post by Dave »

I have a 1978 25' Cape dory. She was powered by a 7.5 mercury, but as I found out today she doesn't have gears anymore. The launch date is 5-24-01, but I think I might have to push that off a week or two. My question is and know that this has been brought up before. (search option isn't working) But, I think that the best option for me is to buy a new engine. I remember reading that you guys like the Nissans, but I am courious to what others like and have. I am looking for about a six or eight HP. Thanks for any sugestions you might have on this very stressful day. Oh, if you know of a good dealers around the southern NH area, please feel free to let me in on it. Thanks again

Dave D
25' CD R&R

Re: Major Problems with 25cd Outboard Sugestions needed

Post by mike »

We have a Pearson Triton--same designer as CDs. It's 28.6' and 8500#. We pushed it for several years with a 8 hp Nissan. It was more than adequate. For the smaller 25 CD, a 5 hp would be sufficient. If you go to the 4 cycle ones, you might even go with a 4 hp since the 4 cycle motors supposedly have more oomph. Mike
Dave wrote: I have a 1978 25' Cape dory. She was powered by a 7.5 mercury, but as I found out today she doesn't have gears anymore. The launch date is 5-24-01, but I think I might have to push that off a week or two. My question is and know that this has been brought up before. (search option isn't working) But, I think that the best option for me is to buy a new engine. I remember reading that you guys like the Nissans, but I am courious to what others like and have. I am looking for about a six or eight HP. Thanks for any sugestions you might have on this very stressful day. Oh, if you know of a good dealers around the southern NH area, please feel free to let me in on it. Thanks again

Dave D
25' CD R&R
Tom B

Re: Major Problems with 25cd Outboard Sugestions needed

Post by Tom B »

I have a 76 CD25 and the old OMC 9.9 was on its last leg last season. Look at the 4 strokes but couldn't find an 8hp that looked like it would fit. Also there close to 90-100lbs too much weight. The Tohatsu 8hp with electric start, 2 stroke fits no problem, only weighs 60+ lbs. They make the Nissan, just a different name plate. They also make the Mercury 4 strokes in the 4-6hp. Boat still on dry land so I can't tell about the noise and power with the new motor. Pricing is good too.
John Laton

Re: Major Problems with 25cd Outboard Sugestions needed

Post by John Laton »

I just installed the 2 cycle nissan 8 electric start this past weekend. It needed longer cables to reach the battery, and I had to lower the transom. Even with lowering the transom the lid still would not close due to the center wood bracing STILL keeping it from closing.. so in desperation I "hacked" it down. Now the damn thing closes ! Next I have to figure how to match the Norse remote controls from the old OMC to the Nissan for gas and shifting! Maybe next year..

Good luck !

Dave wrote: I have a 1978 25' Cape dory. She was powered by a 7.5 mercury, but as I found out today she doesn't have gears anymore. The launch date is 5-24-01, but I think I might have to push that off a week or two. My question is and know that this has been brought up before. (search option isn't working) But, I think that the best option for me is to buy a new engine. I remember reading that you guys like the Nissans, but I am courious to what others like and have. I am looking for about a six or eight HP. Thanks for any sugestions you might have on this very stressful day. Oh, if you know of a good dealers around the southern NH area, please feel free to let me in on it. Thanks again

Dave D
25' CD R&R
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