I'm planning to head over to West Marine today and fill up a shopping basket with general stuff while emptying my wallet at the checkout counter. A couple of questions come to mind that I'm not sure about. Firstly, how much Cetol do I need to put one coat on the exterior teak only on a CD27. The teak was done last year and looks pretty good so this is just an annual maintenance coat. Also, If I don't use all the Cetol (satin finish) I buy, if I seal up the can well, will it still be good in a few months for touch up? Or even next year?
Second question. I just got my canvas boom cover and my canvas dodger back from the canvas repair shop. They put on all new zippers. Repaired stitching, etc. Looks like new. But the stuff was washed pretty strongly to get the old bird droppings etc off of it. What product (if any) do you like to put on the canvas for water repellancy and perhaps as a "sun block"? The canvas shop had some silicone spray but that's the only thing they had. They recommended it. I learned years ago that when you ask a tire salesman who ONLY sells Goodyear tires "which is the best tire for my car", he will tell you Goodyear Tires. Any recommendations for canvas treatment?
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Two Gen'l Maintenance Questions
Moderator: Jim Walsh