Delta Fast Set Anchor

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Larry Austin

Delta Fast Set Anchor

Post by Larry Austin »

Hi,,,I want to but a second anchor for my 30 MKII. I have been looking / thinking about the Delta Fast Set. Anyone have any experience, comments on this anchor? My anchor now is a Fortress FX16 and I am thinking the Delta 22lb should be a good addition.

Thank You

Larry Austin
Bob Miller

Re: Delta Fast Set Anchor

Post by Bob Miller »

Larry - I have a CD 27 and when I bought her 7 years ago, she just had a 12 lb. Danforth Hi-Tensile. I bought a Delta FastSet from SailNet (on sale) I think the 14 pounder. Really nice. Very good in grass which I wanted as the Danforth is best in sand and it is a good backup. Always good to have 2 anchors. No moving parts like a CQR. The UPS guy who delivered it was shocked as it only had a shipping label on packing or box...just the anchor. You can't go wrong with it, however.

- Bob M.
Larry DeMers

Re: Delta Fast Set Anchor

Post by Larry DeMers »

We have some friends that just returned from 4 years in the Carribbean, and they used the Delta Fast Set as the main anchor (backed up by 4 spare anchors plus danforth lunch hook)-sizes unknown. Their boat is a Columbia 35 Supercruiser, fully tricked out in long-term cruising mode, 6 in. over waterline when loaded. They used it in all conditions and everywhere from Lake Superior to Venezuela, the Orinoco river delta, Grenada etc. They loved it and will use it in Europe next year.

Me? I use a CQR 35# and trust it imlicitly in all conditions we have encountered on Superior. We do not have high bottom growth conditions (unless you can grow icickles underwater?), so we are in sand or mud, rock shale, rocky boulder fields or at the dock!

Hey.. how are you handling the dual roller on the bowsprit? I am toying with this mod for our boat too. I was thinking of altering the bowsprit's width to be able to include the dual roller piece that Spartan makes. Then there is separation of rodes in the chain locker. Have you separated the rode bins in the chain locker..and how? Do you use two separate chain pipes for the two rodes?

Questions questions..


Larry Demers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Larry Austin wrote: Hi,,,I want to but a second anchor for my 30 MKII. I have been looking / thinking about the Delta Fast Set. Anyone have any experience, comments on this anchor? My anchor now is a Fortress FX16 and I am thinking the Delta 22lb should be a good addition.

Thank You

Larry Austin
Larry Austin

Re: Delta Fast Set Anchor

Post by Larry Austin »

thanks guys (bob, larry) for the comments on the delta anchor. i think i'll get the 22lb delta and try that for my primary this summer. larry, i like the dual roller anchor bowsprit. i have never had 2 anchors, so i have never thought about having 2 anchor rodes. i can tell ya i think it would be a good idea to have 2 lines to each anchor at all times if 2 anchors were up there all the the end of last summer (at the dock) a couple of us sailboaters where tring our different anchors on the different bowsprits. i had a friends 12lb(?)delta on my bow and where moving lines from anchor to anchor to see how they would look ( a guy thing!) and, well, i/m glad we were only in about 7 ft of water. got to have 2 lines! to much going on when unscrewing shackles,chains to remember what part "not" to let go of. i can still remember the look on some of the wives faces sitting on the back deck of a backed in (pos) power boat when the anchor hit the water with no line attached..not a word...just slowly shaking their heads...

anyway...want to see a cape dory with "three" rollers on the bowsprit?
go to and look at the photo's for the 1986, 36' cape dory navigator.

Larry Austin
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