Has anyone seen blisters in the barrier coat? I've removed the anti-fouling & now in the process of removing the barrier coat, which looks like Interlux 2000 (grey) and there is some green stuff in places under the barrier coat, which I would like to know what it is & also why the barrier coat got blisters. There are none in the gel coat. Thanks, John CD31 #18
barrier coat blisters
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re:Green stuff....
It very well could be "Bondo"!!! I don't want to say that Cape Dory used it as a fairing compound, but there was some on Hanalei when I had her bottom done last year. Someone had used it! Unfortunately, it was used in the wrong place on Hanalei and a hunk (read that as a piece about the size of your fist)of it fell out as the fiberglas guys were working on her! I'd dig at it a little bit with something sharp, you should get a better idea of what it is.....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
It very well could be "Bondo"!!! I don't want to say that Cape Dory used it as a fairing compound, but there was some on Hanalei when I had her bottom done last year. Someone had used it! Unfortunately, it was used in the wrong place on Hanalei and a hunk (read that as a piece about the size of your fist)of it fell out as the fiberglas guys were working on her! I'd dig at it a little bit with something sharp, you should get a better idea of what it is.....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Re:Green stuff....
RE Green stuffD. Stump, Hanalei wrote: John,
It very well could be "Bondo"!!! I don't want to say that Cape Dory used it as a fairing compound, but there was some on Hanalei when I had her bottom done last year. Someone had used it! Unfortunately, it was used in the wrong place on Hanalei and a hunk (read that as a piece about the size of your fist)of it fell out as the fiberglas guys were working on her! I'd dig at it a little bit with something sharp, you should get a better idea of what it is.....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
The green stuff is more like slime. It clogs the sandpaper (80 grit)
Re: barrier coat blisters
Interlux technicial support says the hull was probably barrier coated before it was dried thououghly. They also advised NOT to use VC Tar for a barrier coat unless VC17 or VC offshore is used over it, but did say VC17 or offshore CAN be used over interprotect 2000. Happy sanding & painting folks.john doyle wrote: Has anyone seen blisters in the barrier coat? I've removed the anti-fouling & now in the process of removing the barrier coat, which looks like Interlux 2000 (grey) and there is some green stuff in places under the barrier coat, which I would like to know what it is & also why the barrier coat got blisters. There are none in the gel coat. Thanks, John CD31 #18
Re: barrier coat blisters
I think I have the same problem on my 33. We were going to wait until we pulled her next year and see how they look and maybe take a wait and see approach as the gelcoat is not involved. Other than haviing a smooth/faster bottom why would you remove the barrier coat and start over?
I think I have the same problem on my 33. We were going to wait until we pulled her next year and see how they look and maybe take a wait and see approach as the gelcoat is not involved. Other than haviing a smooth/faster bottom why would you remove the barrier coat and start over?
anti-fouling & now in the process of removing the barrier coat, which looks like Interlux 2000 (grey) and there is some green stuff in places under the barrier coat, which I would like to know what it is & also why the barrier coat got blisters. There are none in the gel coat. Thanks, John CD31 #18john doyle wrote:john doyle wrote: Has anyone seen blisters in the barrier coat? I've removed the
john doyle wrote: Interlux technicial support says the hull was probably barrier coated before it was dried thououghly. They also advised NOT to use VC Tar for a barrier coat unless VC17 or VC offshore is used over it, but did say VC17 or offshore CAN be used over interprotect 2000. Happy sanding & painting folks.