What brand were the original sails?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Dan H

What brand were the original sails?

Post by Dan H »

The main on the CD25 I am buying is from the Chicago area sail maker Vecter. I assumed it was not original to this 1977 vintage boat, until I just read in the "CD27 heel angle" string that Dave still has his original Vecter. So who can tell me, for near certain, what Cape Dory was supplying as original equipment on CD25s back in 1977? And for extra credit, how much can I expect to: A) Replace the sail and B)have it refurbished? Hint - the sail has normal wear, no holes or open seams.

Bill DeCamp

Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by Bill DeCamp »

Dan H wrote: The main on the CD25 I am buying is from the Chicago area sail maker Vecter. I assumed it was not original to this 1977 vintage boat, until I just read in the "CD27 heel angle" string that Dave still has his original Vecter. So who can tell me, for near certain, what Cape Dory was supplying as original equipment on CD25s back in 1977? And for extra credit, how much can I expect to: A) Replace the sail and B)have it refurbished? Hint - the sail has normal wear, no holes or open seams.
;I bought new a CD25 1978 and a CD28 1983 and both came with Ulmer sails. The best thing to do with your present sails is have a sailmaker inspect the clothe and stiching.They will be able to tell you if the sail is worth restiching.
Good Luck
Bill & Jayne
S/V Infinity CD28


Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by len »


the original sails on my boat were by ulmer - i kept repairing them, usually $100 or so yearly, and last year bought new sails by Thurston in rhode island - the boat was about one knot faster with new sails - i think the old sails had become very baggy even though it wasn't obvious looking at them

M. R. Bober

Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by M. R. Bober »

TIA MARI, the best sailboat ever, came with Vecter sails in 1979. I have been told that Vecter was owned/operated by an underwear manufacturer. That's info that may or may not be true, but it sure is interesting and you won't find it on any other website.

RESPITE, also the best sailboat ever, came with Ulmer sails in 1987.
Every best wish,
Mitchell Bober
Bill Goldsmith

Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by Bill Goldsmith »

SECOND CHANCE (CD27, 1980) came to me in 1998 with a Hanes.....uh excuse me......a Vector main which was obviously the original. I replaced it last year with a Mack Sails full batten main and a Mack Pack.
M. R. Bober wrote: TIA MARI, the best sailboat ever, came with Vecter sails in 1979. I have been told that Vecter was owned/operated by an underwear manufacturer. That's info that may or may not be true, but it sure is interesting and you won't find it on any other website.

RESPITE, also the best sailboat ever, came with Ulmer sails in 1987.
Every best wish,
Mitchell Bober


Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by Bill »

Rhapsody (a 1984 25D)came to me with a main & jib by Vector. Had the jib re-worked by sailcare last winter and it looks great still. I am working on the main however.

Dan H wrote: The main on the CD25 I am buying is from the Chicago area sail maker Vecter. I assumed it was not original to this 1977 vintage boat, until I just read in the "CD27 heel angle" string that Dave still has his original Vecter. So who can tell me, for near certain, what Cape Dory was supplying as original equipment on CD25s back in 1977? And for extra credit, how much can I expect to: A) Replace the sail and B)have it refurbished? Hint - the sail has normal wear, no holes or open seams.

Murray Glue

Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by Murray Glue »

Dayspring, CD30 107, now in New Zealand had Ulmer sails when we bought her, the originals. We now get replacements from Doyles in Nelson
New Zealand where the workmanship is Americas cup winning standard and the prices are very competitive. CDs are already getting sails made

yves feder W1UX

Re: What brand were the original sails?

Post by yves feder W1UX »

Dan H wrote: The main on the CD25 I am buying is from the Chicago area sail maker Vecter. I assumed it was not original to this 1977 vintage boat, until I just read in the "CD27 heel angle" string that Dave still has his original Vecter. So who can tell me, for near certain, what Cape Dory was supplying as original equipment on CD25s back in 1977? And for extra credit, how much can I expect to: A) Replace the sail and B)have it refurbished? Hint - the sail has normal wear, no holes or open seams.

Back in '77 CD was supplying Vector sails as OEM equipment on the CD27 also. I still have the original. It is not the best made sail in the world :) nothing like the later Ulmer & Hood mains we use currently, but adequate. Ours is still in the locker as a second spare. I've had it taped and restitched here and there ($100.00) but the Ulmer is far superior, that dates from 1983 or so and that too shows its age, so we have a new Hood vectran main.

Quoted costs on new mains for a CD27 - $1,200 to $1,900 depending on the maker and options. Proportionally less for a 25 I'm sure...

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