winterizing Westerbeke 21 A

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Michael Heintz

winterizing Westerbeke 21 A

Post by Michael Heintz »

Any suggestions for winterizing a Westerbeke 21A

Any "tricks of the trade" would be apprciated!!!!
Larry Austin

Re: winterizing Westerbeke 21 A

Post by Larry Austin »

Hi Michael. This is what I do to winterize the 21A on my boat. I put 2 gallons of the marine antifeezing stuff in a bucket. I disconnect the hose from the intake side of the seawater pump up on the motor ( obviously make sure the seacock is closed!) and I have about a 4 foot
hose that I connect to the intake side and put the other end in the 2 gallons of anitifreeze. Start the engine and keep it going untill it shoots antifreeze out the exhust. IT WONT TAKE LONG TO SUCK UP THE 2 GALLONS AND SHOOT THE ANTIFREEZE OUT THE be ready to shut off the engine or you'll start sucking air and shoot all the antifreeze out. this is what I do and it seems to work.

Is your boat out of the water yet? I think I probably went for my last sail today..mine get's pulled out the week of the 13th. It's almost time for the hot brandys and dream about next summer...which is half the fun!

M. R. Bober

Re: winterizing Westerbeke 21 A

Post by M. R. Bober »

It's a lot easier draining warm oil than cold old. Before you do the antifreeze, get the engine warm and change oil & oil filter. I usually change fuel filters in the spring.
Hope this helps.
Mitchell Bober (who winterized his engine today)
Bob Loewenstein

Re: winterizing Westerbeke 21 A

Post by Bob Loewenstein »

Do you have a manual for your 21A? Do what it says.

What I do is:

Change all fuel filters
Change oil filter
Change oil (warm the engine first) - don't leave old oil in the engine over the winter
Clean raw water strainer
Run 50/50 mixture antifreeze/water through engine raw water until it comes out the exhaust
Change xmission oil as per schedule (not necessarily every year)
Change closed cycle antifreeze mixture when necessary

The 21A self primes fuel so you don't have to bleed it. I just finished doing all this on mine... If you have any question, feel free to ask.

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