History: Adding Storage to a CD 30 Power (2003)

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History: Adding Storage to a CD 30 Power (2003)

Post by bilofsky »

This webpage describes how I found tons of storage space on Golden Phoenix.

There are also some photos of a visit to Robinhood Marine in 2001, including a photo of Andy Vavolotis.

The page was taken down some time ago during a website downsizing. Someone asked about it, and after an hour or so down that rabbit hole I put it back up. Maybe I'll go back down the hole - there are some nice California Cape Dory Association newsletters from the 1990's ...
Carl Thunberg
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Re: History: Adding Storage to a CD 30 Power (2003)

Post by Carl Thunberg »

Thanks for re-posting this even if it is from 2003. There a lot of great ideas here that we can all benefit from and start thinking creatively about where we may find spaces we didn't even know about.
CDSOA Commodore - Member No. 725

"The more I expand the island of my knowledge, the more I expand the shoreline of my wonder"
Sir Isaac Newton
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