Sailmaker needed for my Typhoon

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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rodney devine

Sailmaker needed for my Typhoon

Post by rodney devine »

Does anyone know a good sailmaker in eastern CT for a suit of sails for my Typhoon?
Stu Timm

Re: Sailmaker needed for my Typhoon

Post by Stu Timm »

I found a previous posting in the archives of this webpage, and found a message from someone who knew of an outfit in Houston, Texas. According to the posting, they offer an economical jib at around $200 (6 oz. dacron)and a mainsail for slightly more in the same fabric weight.

Look on this webpage in the topic search engine at the top of the page, and enter "typhoon weekender". You should find the posting that I am refering to, which was dated 7/3/99, by someone named Brent.

Good luck!
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Sailmaker needed for my Typhoon

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


You can find pretty good deals on new sails at boat shows. If you can wait that long, the <a href="">Newport International Boat Show</a> is September 16-19, 1999 (Newport, RI).

At this <a href="">website</a> you'll find a list of boat shows in Connecticut.

The <a href="">U.S. Sailboat Show</a> in Annapolis, MD is October 7 - 11, 1999

<a href=" ... ailExpo</a> in Atlantic City, NJ is January 20 - 23, 2000.

Bring the boat's sail dimensions with you to the show -- you'll find this information in the owner's manual for the Typhoon if you have one. If you don't have the owner's manual, there's one available online at this <a href="">website</a>.

Also, <a href=" ... CT">here's a listing</a> of most, if not all, of the sailmakers located in Connecticut.

Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization
Raritan Bay

Does anyone know a good sailmaker in eastern CT for a suit of sails for my Typhoon?
Neil Gordon

Re: Sailmaker needed for my Typhoon

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>If you can wait that long, ...<<

And fall is a good time to cut a deal with a sailmaker... it's before the price increase for sailcloth and right at the start of their slow season.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
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