As several on this board many months ago said would happen when I was in the middle of the long process of searching for my first Cape Dory, I have apparently acquired the "six footitis" disease. Back then several suggested I buy the largest CD I could afford, counseling that I would grow into her. Several others suggested I start out small and work my way up to a larger CD - if I wanted to. I fully agreed with the latter. In my judgment, I first needed to determine if I liked sailboat ownership and if I liked "cruising sailing" versus "racing sailing".
I became the caretaker of S/V Tadpole, a 1977 Typhoon Weekender (Hull #1400), in April 2008. I have sailed her a lot in Biscayne Bay over the past year and I have enjoyed her more than I could have imagined. Most of my sailing has been as "racing" crew (more accurately - "rail meat") on Harbor 20s around the markers on Saturdays. However, "day cruising" with no specific direction, no time factors, etc., is very enjoyable. The only disappointment has been the lack of female companionship to enjoy her with.

I would like to be able to extend my cruising with overnighters. To this end, I spent a little more than four hours nestled in Tadpole’s cabin a few months ago to get an idea what it would be like to spend one or two nights aboard. Unfortunately, at my age, curled up in Tadpole’s cabin was not a particularly pleasant experience. The cabin is just a little too small for my old, pampered body. When I was 20, it would have been a grand adventure, especially with a lovely "first mate".

So, I have decided to think about beginning the journey of searching for a Cape Dory 25D. As was true with my initial search for a Ty Weekender, I want to focus on a well-maintained CD 25D that will not require any significant restoration or refit efforts.
I am conflicted about S/V Tadpole - my first love. I came to sailing late in life. I know that at some point I will have to sell the CD 25D as I get even older and even less agile than I am now and no longer able to do 2, 3, 5 day cruises single-handed or with a future "Admiral". I think I would like to have S/V Tadpole so that I can return to 3-4 hour day sailing on Biscayne Bay. For this reason, part of me wants to buy a trailer and put S/V Tadpole in my backyard well covered for a few years. However, I am reluctant to do this because of my perception this may cause her to deteriorate from lack of use, etc. Thus, the conflict - hold on to her or reluctantly sell her

I would welcome the thoughts of this board on the downside to storing a Ty Weekender on a trailer for 4-6 years in my backyard.
My initial thought is that it will probably take me some time to find a CD 25D that meets my requirements - it took me two years plus to find Tadpole!!! During this time, if someone at the local sailing club or on this board is interested in S/V Tadpole, I may be willing to sell - assuming I know she is going to a very good home. Of course, once I find my CD 25D I will then have to make the hard decision - put S/V Tadpole up for sale or buy a trailer and store her.
So, the journey begins anew. Everyone on this board has been very gracious and helpful to me, despite the tortured search process that I know caused many to wince in pain at my posts. I thank you all for your kindness and encouragement over the past several years. I am open to any and all suggestions, recommendations, etc. for this new adventure.
If someone owns, or knows of, a CD 25D that is, or may be, for sale, please let me know.