Long Island captains: Mpls CDers seeking taste of the East

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Chris Berger
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 2nd, '07, 16:04
Location: "Tryst"
1976 CD 25
Mpls & Lake City, MN

Long Island captains: Mpls CDers seeking taste of the East

Post by Chris Berger »

Hello Cape Dorians,

Things are a bit much here in Minneapolis, so my wife and I are taking a break from it all and heading to Montauk from 8/13 to 8/19...

Since we'll be without our CD for an entire week (!), we're hoping to trade a sail in our ours for one in yours! "Tryst" sails out of Lake City, MN just an hour SE of Minneapolis on gorgeous Lake Pepin (an expanse of the Mississippi).

While on Long Island, we'll have transportation, a refreshingly open schedule and a basket full of goodies awaiting you and your crew.

We look forward to it!

Chris and Sarah
letsemailchris [at] yahoo.com
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