Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Walt Bilofsky

Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by Walt Bilofsky »

Several responses to the advertising thread suggest broadening the geographic scope of the California Cape Dory Owners Association. This issue should be discussed separatedly - so here goes.

First off, this web site may be sponsored by the CCDO but it is intended for use by anyone interested in supporting Cape Dory boats, regardless of geography. We're just the host of the party, but who hosts it doesn't matter - it's the community as a whole that makes it work. If you feel less enfranchised on this Web page because you're not in California - that's not our intention, and because we have no rules (see below) you're invited and totally welcome to consider yourself a member, fly the <a href="ccdostore.htm">burgee</a>, and wear the <a href="ccdostore.htm">cap</a>.

So, taking the Web site off the table, what's the function of the California Cape Dory Owners Association? We hold two float-in/drive-in events a year, which is of little use to anyone outside California. (Or, for that matter, outside the S.F. Bay area. I keep hoping someone in Southern California will put on an event, but the spread-out geography of the coastline there works against it.) We also put out a newsletter, but it's really not much more than a notification of our events these days.

We're informal by design and temperament - no dues, no rules - and we like it that way. So annointing ourselves the national Cape Dory Owners Association is against our nature. I know it would make you folks in the "other 49" feel a bit more at home if we didn't tack "California" onto our name, but consider it a brand name if you like - and consider yourself just as welcome as if you were out here with us on the "shaky side".

Anyway, there already is a declared "national" Cape Dory organization - the <a href="">Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association</a> - and we have no interest in creating a competition. As far as I know their activities thus far have all been in the Chesapeake Bay area, but they are as structured and organized as CCDO is not, and their bylaws provide for creation of fleets in other geographic areas. So one alternative if you want a Cape Dory group closer to home is to contact the CDSOA and start a fleet under their auspices. (I believe CDSOA is sail-only, so if you want the likes of me in your fleet you'll have to figure something out.)

Another alternative is to just declare a time and place for a regional get-together, and see if among those who show up you can find a Commodore, a newsletter editor, and perhaps a treasurer. (Actually the only person you really need is someone to organize the next get-together! At CCDO we rotate this office.)

'Scuse me if some of this sounds familiar - I've been singing the same song on this board for two and a half years now. Hopefully someone will notice the incredible response to the two New England gatherings this summer - each of which, as far as I know, has been basically the work of one or two people - and do something similar in your area. Take my word for it - if you announce it (enough in advance), they will come. And you don't have to do it all yourself - once you get people together, many of them will help keep things going.

Just my 36 lira.*

- Walt

* - 36 lira sounds more impressive, but still only worth 2 cents. :-)
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: CCDOA - keep it as it is!

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


You and the CCDOA have created something that is unique and great! I would love to make it to one of your get togethers, but that would mean rounding Cape Horn and the long passage probably to Hawaii and back to the California coast. You are a LONG way from Mystic Connecticut geographically, but not very far at all from our minds. Your founding principals, NO RULES, NO DUES etc. are great. If you need support funds for the site, I would suggest that you just ask. Put a note on the site "Funds needed for site maintenence". If I saw that, I would not mind at all sending you a check for $5 or so, to help cover it. There's probably no need to go commercial. I'm sure most of us would agree, we have all learned something at one time or another that was personally valuable to us, read that as "worth more than $5 to me!".

Don't change the CCDOA name either. Most of we owners on the East coast know of you by those call letters, and I for one don't feel at all alienated by that designation. Anyhow, these are just a few of my thoughts....keep up the good work

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30

Re: CCDOA - keep it as it is!

Post by Bill »


I agree with Dave!

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Walt,

If you need support funds for the site, I would suggest that you just ask. Put a note on the site "Funds needed for site maintenence". If I saw that, I would not mind at all sending you a check for $5 or so, to help cover it. There's probably no need to go commercial. I'm sure most of us would agree, we have all learned something at one time or another that was personally valuable to us, read that as "worth more than $5 to me!".

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Mike Everett

Re: CCDOA - keep it as it is!

Post by Mike Everett »

I wholeheartedly agree.
I live and sail in Maine, and am proud to fly the CCDOA burgee. It looks good and it's fun to explain, especially to other Cape Dory owners who don't know about this web site, why someone in Maine would have a burgee from the opposite side of the continent.
Whether it's the "California" association or the "Outer Mongolia" association is irrelevant to the interests of the Cape Dory owners who enjoy, and benefit from, this excellent web site.
Lee H. Hodsdon

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by Lee H. Hodsdon »

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!



P.S. Like the 36 lira thing
Joe Wysong

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by Joe Wysong »

Lee H. Hodsdon wrote: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!



P.S. Like the 36 lira thing
Saw a sign in a Volkswagon repair shop in Tremont, Maine, about twenty years ago.

"If we can't fix it, it ain't broke."

Lee H. Hodsdon

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by Lee H. Hodsdon »

My favorite,

"Get useless in Eustis"

One week to go before launch, and about 2 weeks worth of work, sound familiar?

Larry DeMers

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by Larry DeMers »


Nah, you don't want to change things around too much. I appreciate the CCDOA a lot as is. So much that my wife and I are on our second set of hats from the CCDOA. Like our friends from the East Coast, we kind of get a kick out of the smiles that the emblem on the hats and burgee bring here in NW Wisconsin.

I suspect that you enjoy this job Walt, and more work sounds like less fun to me.

Long Live CCDOA!

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Sailing Lake Superior ~~Launched and cruising finally!~~
name withheld

Resist the temptation

Post by name withheld »

I am a member of the self-declared national CDSOA. Our last meeting was marred by several hours of discussion progressing to argument and the subsequent resignation of several members, about whether every boat should have one or two votes on critical issues. A brief math check shows it does not matter one bit. We also carry liability insurance now. While some members feel that a national focus is important, i am not interested in leaving my part of the world for CD events, and feel that an informal gathering of friends with similar interests is much more appealing. This is why i do not have a problem with the fact that our commodore has a Cape Dory 10 and a Caliber 40. I would suggest that the CCDOA cherish its simplicity and autonomy. After all we are not trying to form a multinational conglomerate to corner the market on Cape Dories.

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by John »

I've been visiting this web site you've unselfishly shared for free with the entire nation for over a year now. I'm from Florida and there are a lot of Cd's down here, sail and power. Being the owner of a CD30 I am grateful for the opportunity to enjoy this web site just the way it is. My opinion, if its worth anything to you, is frankly: do not change anything, good things come in small and simple packages!

Thank you and all others involved for your continued efforts.
Ed Haley

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by Ed Haley »

There is a lot "right" with CCDOA. It is one site that I can come to with questions about my CD and also read a lot of answers to other questions that I have not even yet begun to think of. It is similar to a seminar format in answering questions and that's good. There should be only one site to come for answers. I would hate to have to go from site to site looking for solutions about questions pertaining to my favorite pasttime. But that's just me.
I use to go to the Cape Dory Owners Group and other sailing sites on AOL. I also frequented the biking sites. But then someone decided to change the format to make it better causing thousands of us to switch gears. The new site was not nearly as useful since all the veteran responders got fed up with AOL for forcing us to learn new ways of communicating when we liked the old way. When AOL made a third change in the format, the sailing and biking sites disappeared.
I like to visit CCDOA daily if even to get myself thinking about my CD28 Jasmine. It puts me aboard when I read situations related by others. I'm not implying that being online is as satisfying as an invigorating sail but it sure goes a long way in helping me to learn through other sailors what helps keep Jasmine romping. For the sake of hundreds of us readers, please keep it as it now is. You've got my support.
Jerry Hammernik

Re: The name and the money

Post by Jerry Hammernik »

Walt and everybody else,
As a founding member of the Lake Michigan Cape Dory Owner's Association I have to confess that, not only do a lot of our members not sail on Lake Michigan, a lot of them have never seen Lake Michigan! But they all love a Cape Dory (or several). The important part of the name is Cape Dory. I think I can speak for all of us at LMCDOA that we don't need to start a board like this as long as we have Walt and the CCDOA. We need one board for all of us. The name is not important it's the great people that hang out here. I check in almost every day. I'd really miss you folks if you weren't here! If you don't mind us folks from the Middle Coast hanging out, we don't mind being in California (Cyberlly speaking). If you need to do the banner ads so be it. But I'd be more than happy to send a check. Just post a message that we're gonna try the donation route and I'll send mine in. Just promise me you won't send a receipt or any such, I really like the no rules thing. Good Luck, and to all of us, keep up the good work!
Jerry Hammernik
CD28 Lion's Paw #341
M.R. Bober

Re: Resist the temptation

Post by M.R. Bober »

name withheld wrote: While it is difficult to respond to an anonymous complainer, I am concerned about the damage to the reputation of the CDSOA by this posting and the falsehoods it contains.
The entire meeting of the CDSOA didn't last "several hours," even allowing for the informative lecture.

While it is true that one member and her husband did resign, it was a personal matter between them and the CDSOA.

As a long time member of the group, I have found the members to be knowlegeable sailors and good folks. We seek others of that kind.
jerry jordan

Re: Broadening "California" Cape Dory Owners Association

Post by jerry jordan »

DON"T CHANGE!! from Cleveland with a CD 30 in Sandusky, we have never had a problem with "California" in the name. What counts is "Cape Dory"!! The site is great & we check it often for information from others who love their beautiful boat. We all know that 'California' is on the leading edge, so why shouldn't we be all in "the same boat"???
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