Surely a sign of better things to come. If it were not so darn cold I would be quite exited. Still, with some luck I think I am only 4 or 5 weeks from launch.
I bet that as the time draws nigh I will wish I had more.
Winter started late this year in MD and as a result I started more projects than I probably should have all at once. Then it got cold and everything stopped. I will get down to her next week. I have to take care of some Marina Business so I can get a fix then.
Speaking of CDSOA membership. There has been no word out of Solomons Island since last weeks Chesapeake Fleet meeting. Do you suppose they decided to leave for Bermuda early?
Happy Thoughts of Sailing
Will Wheatley
Bill wrote: You go Larry
I truly believe that Spring is about the spring...I awake daily to birds singing their little hearts out. Surely it cant be too far behind for the Northern Brethern....
Larry DeMers wrote: Ken,
I am just one of a gaggle of contributors..and lately I seem to be a lightning rod for outsiders (LURKER, Hal etc all phony accounts at and others) to stir up their anger at the world with.
Going to the boat regardless of weather is deemed mandatory right now. Know that we have 3 -5 gallon pails of wood for the fireplace, and our warm comforter for the vberth, and Captain Morgan in the galley. Should be fun!
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Ken Coit wrote: Larry,
Thanks for being a major part of the solutions around here, rather than the problems. How does it go? Lead, follow, or get out of the way?
Good luck with all that snow. You make me look like a piker putting up with all that horrible weather.
Keep on Sailing,