has anyone noticed

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Will W.

Re: Winter Blahs and Spring is within sight

Post by Will W. »

The Sun is shining, the birds are chirping but more importantly I just went through last weeks mail. I found my CDSOA membership package!!
Surely a sign of better things to come. If it were not so darn cold I would be quite exited. Still, with some luck I think I am only 4 or 5 weeks from launch.
I bet that as the time draws nigh I will wish I had more.
Winter started late this year in MD and as a result I started more projects than I probably should have all at once. Then it got cold and everything stopped. I will get down to her next week. I have to take care of some Marina Business so I can get a fix then.
Speaking of CDSOA membership. There has been no word out of Solomons Island since last weeks Chesapeake Fleet meeting. Do you suppose they decided to leave for Bermuda early?

Happy Thoughts of Sailing
Will Wheatley
Bill wrote: You go Larry

I truly believe that Spring is about the spring...I awake daily to birds singing their little hearts out. Surely it cant be too far behind for the Northern Brethern....

Larry DeMers wrote: Ken,

I am just one of a gaggle of contributors..and lately I seem to be a lightning rod for outsiders (LURKER, Hal etc all phony accounts at aol.com and others) to stir up their anger at the world with.
Going to the boat regardless of weather is deemed mandatory right now. Know that we have 3 -5 gallon pails of wood for the fireplace, and our warm comforter for the vberth, and Captain Morgan in the galley. Should be fun!


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Ken Coit wrote: Larry,

Thanks for being a major part of the solutions around here, rather than the problems. How does it go? Lead, follow, or get out of the way?

Good luck with all that snow. You make me look like a piker putting up with all that horrible weather.

Keep on Sailing,


John R.


Post by John R. »

Warren Kaplan wrote: Bill is right in his advice! Cape Dory captains! We a have a GOLD MINE of information here that may be unique among a myriad of sailing related pages. Where else can you ask a specific question about your boat and get 10 authoritative answers within 24 hours? Where else will someone you've never met sit down and write a half hour detailed treatise on how to rewire a difficult portion of your boat and then go to the trouble of scanning in a picture and post it for you to see? Where else will a "stranger" spend 20 minutes rummaging through and old catalog to get a part number not for a part he needs, but for one you need? Here and consistently here! And only because you happen to have a common interest...the love of Cape Dory boats. Where else can you find people with 40 years of sailing experience giving advice, without looking down their noses, to someone sailing for the first time? Right here. Nowhere else. I'll tell you right now I NEED this board! I'm an expert fixing things built from DNA, but when it comes to things made out of tinned wire, fiberglass, stainless steel, dacron material or bronze, and runs on diesel fuel rather than blood, I need all the help I can get! Some bad vibes have surfaced on this board as of late and I am SURE NOBODY intended it to happen. Nevertheless, we are quickly heading to the edge of a slippery slope that could irrepairably harm the character of this board. I think the board has lost its focus. Let's all remember what "brung us" here in the first place. Anyone has the right to post whatever he or she wants on this board but I strongly suggest that we get back to discussing paint, autopilots, batteries and stuffing boxes. If this board loses its unity and unravels, we ALL lose!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
I'm late to this string but I just read through all these posts and I'm pretty stunned at the audacity and impertinence of the two individuals comments regarding Larry Demers in a public forum such as this. They have a right to their views just like each and everyone of us has but acting like school yard children and making flaming insults on this board is simply ignominious.

Warren, your commentary has said it all and everyone needs to remind themselves what is at issue here, the quality of this board. This is about boating........not personalities.

If some believe Larry is guilty of being overly opinionated then so am I and so are many others as well, we all make good comments and not so good comments. This is a board of "opinion" not laws, take the opinions or leave them......life goes on.

Larry and I have had good dialog and sometimes strongly disagreeable dialog on this board over various issues and we both express ourselves no holds to present our views. We may strongly disagree but we always respect one another. We many times agree wholeheartedly. This is the kind of back and forth in messaging that creates a treasure chest of information that can be of benefit to someone at sometime over an issue they are or may be faced with. Sooooooooo, please get off Larry's back and just be reasonable and try and get along. If you don't like his messages, mine or those of others, don't read them. Try and go with the flow.

Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Hal »

Yeah Larry, I don't proclaim myself to be the cerebral olyimpiad that you do, but I do know a liberal communist schlep when I see one. And though it's true that you seem just a little to prevalent on this board for someone with a life, I don't think I should be judged on how infrequently I post. I happen to believe that one learns more by reading and observing than by constantly running their mouth. And, as for trying to rally your little buddies to throw a few "salvos" my way, you could at least get my e-address right (ficadoor@aol.com). Any of Larry's little pinko friends that want to try and "rescue" his sorry behind (again), bring it on.

Sailing through life with common sense, clear thinking and complete disdain for the liberal, PC, thought police, I remain,

Hal the Horrible (OK Wally, go to censurrrrrrrre)
Larry DeMers wrote: That's it Hal..keep up the drum beat of insults...

I am restraining myself from commenting on this shill's ancestry.
But I encourage everyone to search out Hals address on this board to see for yourself how active he has been here (ficador@aol.com). While activity doesn't prove much, I suspect that in this case it says a lot.

Larry DeMers

Larry DeMers

Re: Dropit already

Post by Larry DeMers »


You are being ignored there ol' moth brain. We all figure if nobody engages you..like any ordinary bully, you will walk off..hopefully the pier you walk on is short, your eyesight poor and the water deep.

I remain,

L. DeMers

Hal wrote: Yeah Larry, I don't proclaim myself to be the cerebral olyimpiad that you do, but I do know a liberal communist schlep when I see one. And though it's true that you seem just a little to prevalent on this board for someone with a life, I don't think I should be judged on how infrequently I post. I happen to believe that one learns more by reading and observing than by constantly running their mouth. And, as for trying to rally your little buddies to throw a few "salvos" my way, you could at least get my e-address right (ficadoor@aol.com). Any of Larry's little pinko friends that want to try and "rescue" his sorry behind (again), bring it on.

Sailing through life with common sense, clear thinking and complete disdain for the liberal, PC, thought police, I remain,

Hal the Horrible (OK Wally, go to censurrrrrrrre)
Larry DeMers wrote: That's it Hal..keep up the drum beat of insults...

I am restraining myself from commenting on this shill's ancestry.
But I encourage everyone to search out Hals address on this board to see for yourself how active he has been here (ficador@aol.com). While activity doesn't prove much, I suspect that in this case it says a lot.

Larry DeMers

Jerry Axler

Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Jerry Axler »

Hal wrote: Yeah Larry, I don't proclaim myself to be the cerebral olyimpiad that you do, but I do know a liberal communist schlep when I see one. And though it's true that you seem just a little to prevalent on this board for someone with a life, I don't think I should be judged on how infrequently I post. I happen to believe that one learns more by reading and observing than by constantly running their mouth. And, as for trying to rally your little buddies to throw a few "salvos" my way, you could at least get my e-address right (ficadoor@aol.com). Any of Larry's little pinko friends that want to try and "rescue" his sorry behind (again), bring it on.

Sailing through life with common sense, clear thinking and complete disdain for the liberal, PC, thought police, I remain,

Hal the Horrible (OK Wally, go to censurrrrrrrre)
Larry DeMers wrote: That's it Hal..keep up the drum beat of insults...

I am restraining myself from commenting on this shill's ancestry.
But I encourage everyone to search out Hals address on this board to see for yourself how active he has been here (ficador@aol.com). While activity doesn't prove much, I suspect that in this case it says a lot.

Larry DeMers
I s there any way to stop this moronic bickering that has nothing to do with the enjoyment of our loves. This kind of talk has ruined many a newsgroup and is well on the way to ruining this one. I don't understand the concept of "flaming", but it is obviously used by one who has nothing to do but interfere with the lives of others. My guess is that the "flamer" probably doesn't have much of a life of his own.
Someone should set up a news group for "flamers", so they can attack each other and leave us in peace.

Jerry Axler


Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Eric »

HE HE HE. I am actually finding this thread kinda amusing.

Can I be one of Larry's Pinko Friends? This reminds me of the MASH character Frank Burns.


Hal wrote: Yeah Larry, I don't proclaim myself to be the cerebral olyimpiad that you do, but I do know a liberal communist schlep when I see one. And though it's true that you seem just a little to prevalent on this board for someone with a life, I don't think I should be judged on how infrequently I post. I happen to believe that one learns more by reading and observing than by constantly running their mouth. And, as for trying to rally your little buddies to throw a few "salvos" my way, you could at least get my e-address right (ficadoor@aol.com). Any of Larry's little pinko friends that want to try and "rescue" his sorry behind (again), bring it on.

Sailing through life with common sense, clear thinking and complete disdain for the liberal, PC, thought police, I remain,

Hal the Horrible (OK Wally, go to censurrrrrrrre)
Larry DeMers wrote: That's it Hal..keep up the drum beat of insults...

I am restraining myself from commenting on this shill's ancestry.
But I encourage everyone to search out Hals address on this board to see for yourself how active he has been here (ficador@aol.com). While activity doesn't prove much, I suspect that in this case it says a lot.

Larry DeMers

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